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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.311.101.2006 ReferencesAldred, W., Cook, J., Carpenter, B., Hutchinson, M., Lovell, J., Rezmer-Cooper, I., and Leder, P.C., 1998. Using downhole annular pressure measurements to improve drilling performance. Oilfield Rev., Winter:40–55. Chapman, N.R., Gettrust, J., Walia, R., Hannay, D., Spence, G.D., Wood, W., and Hyndman, R.D., 2002. High-resolution, deep-towed, multichannel seismic survey of deep-sea gas hydrates off western Canada. Geophysics, 67(4):1038–1047. doi:10.1190/1.1500364 Collett, T.S., 2000. Quantitative well-log analysis of in-situ natural gas hydrates [Ph.D. dissert.]. Colorado School of Mines, Golden. Collett, T.S., Riedel, M., Malone, M.J., and the Expedition 311 Project Team, 2005. Cascadia margin hydrates. IODP Sci. Prosp., 311. doi:10.2204/iodp.sp.311.2005 Dallimore, S.R., and Collett, T.S. (Eds.), 2005. Scientific Results from the Mallik 2002 Gas Hydrate Production Research Well Program, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. Bull.—Geol. Surv. Canada, 585. Dallimore, S.R., Collett, T.S., and Uchida, T., 1999. Overview of science program, JAPEX/JNOC/GSC Mallik 2L-38 gas hydrate research well. In Dallimore, S.R., Uchida., T., and Collett, T.S. (Eds.), Scientific Results from JAPEX/JNOC/GSC Mallik 2L-38 Gas Hydrate Research Well, MacKenzie Delta, Northwest Territories Canada. Bull.—Geol. Surv. Canada.
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