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We thank many colleagues working with Transocean and the US Implementing Organization of IODP for their dedicated work in preparing for Expedition 327. We are particularly appreciative of the skill, perseverance, and creative problem solving provided by Joe (Bubba) Attryde and Phil Christie (core technicians and tools pushers), Mike Storms and Steve Midgley (operations superintendents), Wayne Malone (operations manager), and Nick Parrish and Charlie Watts (drillers). Cementing of casing systems was ably managed by Cecil (Jardin) Jones. The shipboard technical group led by Bill Mills (laboratory officer) and Lisa Crowder and Tim Bronk (assistant laboratory officers) provided critical technical support during CORK preparation and deployment operations. We also thank the IODP scientific advisory structure and community at large for giving us the opportunity to push engineering, operational, logistical, technical, and scientific envelopes through these experiments.

CORK servicing has been ably supported by the crew, technicians, and officers of the R/V Atlantis and R/V Thomas G. Thompson and the skilled pilots of Alvin, Jason, and ROPOS. These experiments were supported by US National Science Foundation grants OCE-0550713 and OCE-0727952 (ATF), OCE-0549955 and OCE-0727119 (CGW), OCE-0550202 and OCE-0726887 (KB), and MCB-0604014 and OCE-0726838 (JPC). Additional support was provided by the NASA Astrobiology Institute cooperative agreement NNA09DA77A (JPC) and a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (KJE and CGW). This is contribution number 101 from the Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations.