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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.308.101.2006 ReferencesBadalini, G., Kneller, B., and Winker, C.D., 2000. Architecture and processes in the late Pleistocene Brazos-Trinity turbidite system, Gulf of Mexico continental slope. Deep-Water Reservoirs of the World: Proc. GCSSEPM 20th Annu. Res. Conf., 16–34. Beaubouef, R.T., Abreu, V., and Van Wagoner, J.C., 2003. Basin 4 of the Brazos–Trinity slope system, western Gulf of Mexico: the terminal portion of a late Pleistocene lowstand system tract: shelf margin deltas and linked down slope petroleum systems: global significance and future exploration potential. Proc. GCSSEPM 23rd Annu. Res. Conf., 45–66. Beaubouef, R.T., and Friedmann, S.J., 2000. High resolution seismic/sequence stratigraphic framework for the evolution of Pleistocene intra slope basins, western Gulf of Mexico: depositional models and reservoir analogs. Deep-Water Reservoirs of the World: Proc. GCSSEPM 20th Annu. Res. Conf., 40–60. Bethke, C.M., 1986. 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