- Chapter contents
- Background and objectives
- Paleomagnetism
Geochemistry and microbiology
Physical properties
- Stratigraphic correlation
Downhole measurements
- References
- F1. Location map.
- F2. Seismic profile.
- F3. Navigation map.
- F4. Close-up seismic profile, Line Stk6-1.
- F5. Close-up seismic profile, Line Stk6-3.
- F6. Lithologic summary, Hole U1340A.
- F7. Lithologic summary, Hole U1340B.
- F8. Lithologic summary, Hole U1340C.
- F9. Lithologic summary, Hole U1340D.
- F10. Laminations.
- F11. Black ash layer.
- F12. Silica diagenesis summary.
- F13. Diatom ooze and diatom silt.
- F14. Soft-sediment deformation.
- F15. Indurated dolomite layer.
- F16. Subunit IIIB contact.
- F17. Grain mount and smear slide, Subunit IIIA.
- F18. Photomicrograph of Subunit IIIB.
- F19. Age-depth plot.
- F20. Biostratigraphic events.
- F21. Microfossil abundances.
- F22. Inclination, declination, and NRM intensity, Hole U1340A.
- F23. Inclination and NRM intensity, Holes U1340B–U1340D.
- F24. Inclination averages and tentative polarity zonation.
- F25. Magnetic susceptibility and NRM intensity, Hole U1340A.
- F26. Dissolved chemical concentrations.
- F27. Dissolved elemental concentrations.
- F28. Solid-phase chemical concentrations.
- F29. NGR.
- F30. P-wave velocity.
- F31. Wet bulk density.
- F32. Water content and porosity.
- F33. Dry grain density.
- F34. Thermal conductivity.
- F35. GRA bulk density vs. composite depth.
- F36. Magnetic susceptibility vs. composite depth.
- F37. Color reflectance vs. composite depth.
- F38. Digital line-scan images vs. composite depth.
- F39. Magnetic susceptibility.
- F40. Spliced magnetic susceptibility, GRA bulk density, and b*.
- F41. Depth scale comparisons and offset.
- F42. Downhole temperature data.
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