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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.345.102.2014 ReferencesArason, P., and Levi, S., 2010. Maximum likelihood solution for inclination-only data in paleomagnetism. Geophys. J. Int., 182(2):753–771. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04671.x Bartington Instruments, Ltd., 2011. Operation Manual for MS2 Magnetic Susceptibility System: Oxford (Bartington Instruments, Ltd.). Blum, P., 1997. Physical properties handbook: a guide to the shipboard measurement of physical properties of deep-sea cores. ODP Tech. Note, 26. doi:10.2973/ Cordier, C., Clément, J.-P., Caroff, M., Hémond, C., Blais, S., Cotten, J., Bollinger, C., Launeau, P., and Guille, G., 2005. Petrogenesis of coarse-grained intrusives from Tahiti Nui and Raiatea (Society Islands, French Polynesia). J. Petrol., 46(11):2281–2312. doi:10.1093/petrology/egi055 Davis, G.H., Reynolds, S.J., and Kluth, C., 2011. Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions (3rd ed.): New York (John Wiley & Sons). Dunlop, D.J., 2003. 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