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Structural geology

Conventions for structural studies established during previous “hard rock” drilling legs (e.g., ODP Legs 118, 131, 140, 147, 153, 176, 179, 206, and 209 and Expeditions 304/305, 309/312, and 335) were generally followed during Expedition 345 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1999a, 1999b, 2003, 2004; Expedition 304/305 Scientists, 2006; Expedition 309/312 Scientists, 2006; Expedition 335 Scientists, 2009). Definitions of structural measurements and descriptive parameters were further refined from Expedition 335 to configure the DESClogik core description software application for hard rock descriptions. DESClogik is used to enter and upload the information into the LIMS database (see “Introduction”). Details specific to structural features are illustrated with comments and sketches in STRUCTUR in “Supplementary Material.” Sections of Leg 147 plutonic cores were redescribed using the techniques and methods outlined below to ensure consistency in descriptions between holes in plutonic crust at Hess Deep.

Structural measurements

Structural features, categorized as magmatic, crystal-plastic, brittle, and veins were logged by interval in centimeters from the top of each section. Descriptions of all features were recorded using curated depths so that structural intervals are correlated with lithologic core descriptions. Depth intervals of structures were recorded as the distance from the top of the section to the top and bottom of the feature, where the feature intersected the center of the core piece. We measured structures on the archive half relative to the standard IODP core reference frame (Fig. F2). The plane normal to the axis of the borehole is referred to as the horizontal plane. On this plane, a 360° net is used with pseudosouth (180°) pointing into the archive half and pseudonorth (000°) pointing out of the archive half (Fig. F14A). The cut surface of the core, therefore, is a vertical plane (strike 090°–270°).

Apparent dip angles of planar features were measured on the cut face of the archive half. To obtain a true dip value, a second apparent dip was measured, where possible, in a section perpendicular to the core face (second apparent orientation shown in Fig. F14B). The two apparent dips and dip directions (or one apparent direction combined with the strike) measured for each planar feature were used to calculate the dip and dip direction in the core reference frame. If the feature intersected the upper or lower surface of the core piece, measurements of the strike were made in the core reference frame, recorded as the trend (strike) of a line with zero dip angle, and combined with an apparent dip measurement, measured on the cut surface of the core, to calculate the true dip value (Fig. F14C). If a feature was exposed on the surface of the core (i.e., a fracture defining the top or bottom of a piece) the true dip and dip azimuth were measured directly on the feature with no need for another measurement or a calculation. True dip and dip direction (azimuth) were calculated using a macro in Microsoft Excel written by Michael Cheadle for Leg 209, or by inputting data into the Stereonet 8 program developed by R. Allmendinger (, and imported into DESClogik.

Macroscopic core description and terminology

All descriptions and structural measurements during Expedition 345 were made on the archive halves of the cores unless otherwise noted. Whole cores were oriented by a member of the structural geology group for cutting prior to curation. Cores were marked to maximize dip of planar structures so that the dominant structure dips toward 90° in the CRF (Fig. F2). Where no obvious structures were present, cores were marked to maximize contiguity with adjacent core pieces.

During Expedition 345, the structural geologists worked together for the shift to minimize measurement inconsistencies, with each member of the team responsible for making a specific set of observations throughout the entire core (e.g., characterization of crystal-plastic fabric [CPF] intensity). For each section, detailed structural information was described and sketched on handwritten forms and subsequently entered into Excel spreadsheets. This information was then input into the DESClogik framework, which contains four worksheets for the following categories:

  1. Magmatic structures: magmatic foliation, compositional or grain size layering, igneous contacts, magmatic veins, and melt percolation features;

  2. CPFs: peridotite and gabbro foliation and/or lineation and the preferred orientation of serpentine networks;

  3. Brittle structures: breccias, faults, joints, open fractures, drilling induced fractures, and cataclastic fabrics; and

  4. Alteration veins.

The DESClogik worksheets contain data on the interval, type of structure, intensity, orientation, any crosscutting relationships, and comments. The worksheets record up to six separate types of quantitative measurements using the deformation intensity scales summarized in Figure F15. Sketches of structural relations were made to illustrate the most representative structures and crosscutting relationships in a core section. All sketches were scanned and archived in STRUCTUR in “Supplementary material.”

The most representative and/or prominent structural features in the cores recovered during Expedition 345 are plotted on the VCDs. These include intensity of magmatic and CPF alignment; density of brittle fractures; and precise locations of observed prominent structures, such as igneous contacts, magmatic banding and magmatic veins, alteration veins, vein networks, hydrothermal breccia, cataclastic zones, breccia, shear veins, faults, fractures, and folds, where recognizable.

Short explanations for terms and abbreviations used in the respective categories are based on definitions given in Ramsay and Huber (1987), Twiss and Moores (1992), Passchier and Trouw (1996), and Davis et al. (2011) and are given below.

Magmatic structures

Intrusive contacts, magmatic dikes, and magmatic veins (including plagioclase and pyroxene segregation veins) were measured and described in accordance with the igneous petrology workbook (see “Igneous petrology”). Descriptions include

  • Contact nature: sharp, gradational, and sutured (contacts where individual mineral grains interlock across the contact);

  • Contact geometry: planar, curved, or irregular;

  • History and crosscutting relationships of veins and dikes; and

  • Orientation (dip azimuth and dip angle of contact dike or vein).

Igneous layering/banding, where present, was measured and described in accordance with the igneous petrology workbook (see “Igneous petrology”). Descriptions include

  • Nature of layering: modal or grain size layering or both; when neither term describes the observations well, the term “layering (other)” is used, and the nature of layering is described in the comments;

  • Layering geometry: sharp or gradational and weak, strong, irregular, planar, curved, or anastomosing;

  • The thickness of the layers; and

  • Orientation (dip azimuth and dip angle of layering as well as trend and plunge of any lineation in the layering, where measurable.

Magmatic fabrics were defined by the presence and intensity of any shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of magmatic phases. Descriptions of magmatic fabric include

  • Geometry of magmatic fabric: linear, planar, planar-linear, or anastomosing/irregular;

  • Magmatic fabric intensity accompanied by intensity rank (Fig. F15): 0 = isotropic, 1 = weak, 2 = moderate, and 3 = strong;

  • Sense of shear: normal (n), reverse (r), dextral (d), sinistral (s), or a combination of these (nd, ns, rd, or rs); and

  • Orientation (dip azimuth and dip angle of planar fabric as well as trend and plunge of lineation, where measurable) of magmatic fabric.

Crystal-plastic fabrics

CPFs include planar or linear fabrics defined by grains exhibiting plastic strain. Descriptions for CPF include

  • Geometry of CPF: linear (L), planar (S), or planar-linear (L-S);

  • Six levels of deformation intensity, ranging from a lack of any CPF (0), through three stages of foliation and porphyroclast development (1–3), to mylonitic and ultramylonitic fabrics (4–5) (Fig. F15). Occasionally, it proved difficult to differentiate between crystal-plastic and cataclastic deformation in relatively high strain shear zones based on hand-specimen observations only. In this case, we introduced a new classification: brittle-plastic foliations (Bp);

  • CPF boundary geometry (i.e., shear zone boundary): planar or irregular;

  • CPF boundary sharpness: sharp or diffuse;

  • Sense of shear: normal (n), reverse (r), dextral (d), sinistral (s), or a combination of these (nd, ns, rd, or rs); and

  • Orientation (dip azimuth and dip angle of planar fabric as well as trend and plunge of lineation, where measurable) of CPF.

Preferred orientation of serpentine networks

Serpentinization confers a mesh texture in peridotite and/or olivine-rich intrusive rock that defines a macroscopic expression of serpentine growth at the expense of olivine (O’Hanley, 1996). The microscopic serpentine fibers may be randomly oriented and homogeneously distributed in the rock, forming an anastomosing isotropic network, or preferentially oriented and/or unevenly distributed in the rock leading to an anisotropic texture (foliation). Formation of a preferred orientation of serpentine meshes may include protolith anisotropy (either inheritance of a former shape preferred orientation or of an uneven distribution of the olivine and pyroxene grains/microlayering), serpentine growth in an anisotropic stress field, or transposition of the serpentine during and/or after growth. Descriptions of the preferred orientation of serpentine networks (Fig. F15) include a semiquantitative indication of the degree of preferred orientation from 0 (isotropic) to 3 (strong preferred orientation) and orientation (dip azimuth and dip angle of the planar fabric, where measurable.

Brittle deformation

Brittle fabrics described during Expedition 345 include breccias, faults (defined as fractures with shear displacement), and fractures (including open, drilling induced, and shear). Descriptions of brittle deformation include

  • Fault rock type: fault gouge, fault breccia, cataclastite, hydrothermal breccia, magmatic breccia, or pseudotachylite. Fault rock type may be accompanied by identifiers describing any fabric alignment such as foliated and/or lineated;

  • Fault rocks, whether cohesive or incohesive;

  • Clast/matrix ratio (percent);

  • Average size of clast in fault rock (in millimeters);

  • Sense of shear: normal (n), reverse (r), dextral (d), sinistral (s), or a combination of these (nd, ns, rd, or rs);

  • Fault offset (in millimeters) where measurable;

  • Trend and plunge of slickensides/slickenlines/slickenfibers;

  • Six levels of deformation intensity for fabrics, based on the percentage of matrix present in each zone of cataclasis (Fig. F15). Thin section descriptions, wherever available, aided this categorization;

  • Density of fractures with density scale:

  • 0 = no open fracture.

  • 1 = <1 fracture per 10 cm.

  • 2 = 1–5 fractures per 10 cm.

  • 3 = >5 per 10 cm.

  • Fracture morphology: planar, curved, concave, irregular, stepped, splayed, or anastomosing (Fig. F16);

  • Fracture morphology/network: stepped, splayed, or anastomosing (Fig. F16);

  • Fracture thickness (in millimeters); and

  • Orientation (dip azimuth and dip angle) of fracture and trend and plunge of associated lineation.

Alteration veins

Alteration veins described during Expedition 345 include characterization of the vein margin, structure of the vein fill (undeformed, sheared, or crack-seal), chronology of vein intrusion, relations with other veins, and crosscutting relations between veins and other structures. The nature of the vein fill material was identified in cooperation with the metamorphic petrology group. For each mineralogical type, individual veins were numbered within each piece sequentially, starting with the first vein encountered (V1) and entered into the spreadsheet successively (V2, V3, etc.). Descriptions include

  • Density of fractures (with a density scale across a 10 cm depth interval along the long axis of the core) (Fig. F15):

  • 0 = no open fracture.

  • 1 = <1 fracture per 10 cm.

  • 2 = 1–5 fractures per 10 cm.

  • 3 = 5–10 fractures per 10 cm.

  • 4 = 10–20 fractures per 10 cm.

  • 5 = >20 fractures per 10 cm;

  • Vein morphology: planar, curved, concave, irregular, or vein tip (Fig. F17);

  • Vein morphology/network: parallel, echelon, overlapping, crosscutting or anastomosing (Fig. F17);

  • Mean vein length (in millimeters);

  • Mean vein thickness (in millimeters);

  • Vein offset (in millimeters), where measurable;

  • Sense of offset: normal (n), reverse (r), dextral (d), or sinistral (s); and

  • Orientation (dip azimuth and dip angle) of fracture and trend and plunge of associated lineation.


Because of the setting of the sites drilled during Expedition 345 (plate spreading), superposition of microstructures or deformation mechanisms is commonly attributable to different stages of extension and cooling. Thus, the physical state of the material during fabric development may span the transition from hypersolidus to subsolidus. Igneous fabrics defined entirely by minerals with no crystal-plastic deformation microstructures are termed magmatic. To better characterize different types of deformation, we studied the microstructural features of interesting and/or prominent mesoscopic structures. Thin sections of recovered material were examined in order to

  • Confirm macroscopic descriptions of structures,

  • Characterize the microstructure of the rock,

  • Document crystal-plastic and brittle overprints of magmatic fabrics,

  • Provide information on the kinematics of brittle and brittle-ductile deformation,

  • Identify temporal relationships between magmatic and crystal plastic deformation and alteration processes, and

  • Document major structural zones and downhole variations.

For descriptions of microstructures, the terminology of Passchier and Trouw (1996) was used. Shipboard thin sections were oriented, and the orientation is given relative to the CRF and was marked on each thin section. Marking two directions was necessary in rare cases to achieve unambiguous orientation of thin sections cut parallel to the cut surface of the core. Orientation of structures measured during the macroscopic core description was confirmed, and macroscopic observations were refined by the microscopic description. Digital photomicrographs and sketches were taken and annotated to document features described in thin sections, which are all scanned and included in STRUCTUR in “Supplementary material.” Microstructural notes were entered into the Structures tab in the thin section workbook of DESClogik.

We followed the terminology used during Legs 153, 176, and 209 and Expedition 304/305 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1995, 1999a, 2004; Expedition 304/305 Scientists, 2006). In the Structure tab of the thin section description workbook, we described the following microscopic features for each thin section:

  • Type of microstructure: magmatic, submagmatic/transitional, crystal-plastic, cataclastic, or metamorphic.

  • Morphology of grain boundary: straight, curved, serrate, polygonal, complex, or varied.

  • Intensity of magmatic fabric: isotropic, weak, moderate, or strong.

  • Intensity of static recrystallization: absent, weak, strong, partial, or complete.

  • Presence of submagmatic fracture: absent, rare, or common.

  • Intensity of crystal-plastic undulose extinction: absent, weak, moderate, strong, complete, patchy, or subgrains.

  • Morphology of crystal-plastic subgrain boundaries: straight, curved, serrate, or polygonal.

  • Presence of crystal-plastic deformation twinning: absent, rare, or common.

  • Intensity of crystal-plastic dynamic recrystallization: absent, weak, strong, or complete.

  • Intensity of overall CPF with intensity rank:

  • 0 = absent.

  • 1 = weakly foliated/lineated.

  • 2 = strongly foliated/lineated.

  • 3 = porphyroclastic/protomylonitic.

  • 4 = mylonitic.

  • 5 = ultramylonitic.

  • Sense of shear estimated from CPF: normal (n), reverse (r), dextral (d), or sinistral (s).

  • Clast/matrix ratio (percent) of cataclasite/brittle fracture.

  • Size (in millimeters) of clasts in cataclasite/brittle fracture.

  • Intensity of cataclastic fabric and intensity rank:

  • 0 = undeformed.

  • 1 = minor fracturing with no significant grain size reduction.

  • 2 = moderate fracturing without grain size reduction.

  • 3 = dense anastomosing fracturing with incipient grain size reduction.

  • 4 = well-developed grain size reduction with evidence for clast rotation (independent particulate flow).

  • 5 = cataclastic.