- Chapter contents
Background and objectives
Physical properties
Downhole measurements
Stratigraphic correlation and sedimentation rates
- F1. Bathymetric map.
- F2. Bathymetry and site track map.
- F3. Lithologic summary, Hole U1428A.
- F4. Lithologic summary, Hole U1428B.
- F5. Lithologic summary, Hole U1429A.
- F6. Lithologic summary, Hole U1429B.
- F7. Lithologic summary, Hole U1429C.
- F8. Hole-to-hole correlation.
- F9. Sediment bioturbation.
- F10. Gastropod, scaphopod, and bivalve fossils.
- F11. Tephra layers.
- F12. Subtle meter-scale color changes.
- F13. XRD peak intensity, Hole U1428A.
- F14. XRD peak intensity, Hole U1429A.
- F15. Calcareous nannofossil ooze.
- F16. Unit B sand.
- F17. XRD Unit B sand.
- F18. Calcareous and siliceous microfossils.
- F19. Age-depth profiles.
- F20. Siliceous and calcareous microfossil distribution.
- F21. Calcareous nannofossils.
- F22. Relative abundance changes of radiolarians.
- F23. Relative abundance of diatoms.
- F24. Planktonic foraminiferal distribution.
- F25. L* and benthic foraminiferal distribution.
- F26. Benthic foraminifers.
- F27. Benthic foraminifers.
- F28. Ostracods, Hole U1428A.
- F29. Calcareous and agglutinated foraminifers.
- F30. Mudline benthic foraminiferal assemblage.
- F31. Calcareous nannofossils.
- F32. Solid-phase geochemistry, Site U1428.
- F33. Solid-phase geochemistry, Site U1429.
- F34. Alkalinity and SO42–.
- F35. Headspace CH4 concentrations.
- F36. Ba profiles.
- F37. Ca, Mg, and Sr profiles.
- F38. Br– concentrations.
- F39. NH4+, and PO43–.
- F40. NH4+ concentrations, upper 10 m.
- F41. Fe and Mn profiles.
- F42. Chloride concentrations.
- F43. Na concentrations.
- F44. K concentrations.
- F45. B and Li profiles.
- F46. Dissolved Si.
- F47. 20 mT AF demagnetization.
- F48. AF demagnetization results, Hole U1428A.
- F49. AF demagnetization results, Hole U1429A.
- F50. Physical properties, Site U1428.
- F51. Physical properties, Site U1429.
- F52. Density, porosity, water content, and shear strength, Hole U1428A.
- F53. Density, porosity, water content, and shear strength, Hole U1429A.
- F54. Color reflectance, Hole U1428A.
- F55. Color reflectance, Hole U1429A.
- F56. Reflectance data comparison.
- F57. Heat flow calculations, Hole U1428A.
- F58. Heat flow calculations, Hole U1429A.
- F59. Composited cores and splice, Site U1428.
- F60. Spliced magnetic susceptibility records.
- F61. Composited cores and splice, Site U1429.
- F62. Age model and sedimentation rates.
- T1. Coring summary, Site U1428.
- T2. Coring summary, Site U1429.
- T3. XRD analysis, Site U1428.
- T4. XRD analysis, Site U1429.
- T5. XRD analysis of Unit B sand.
- T6. Microfossil bioevents.
- T7. Calcareous nannofossils.
- T8. Radiolarians.
- T9. Diatoms.
- T10. Planktonic foraminifers.
- T11. Benthic foraminifers.
- T12. Ostracods.
- T13. CaCO3, TC, TOC, and TN, Site U1428.
- T14. Interstitial water chemistry, Site U1428.
- T15. Headspace gas concentrations, Site U1428.
- T16. CaCO3, TC, TOC, and TN, Site U1429.
- T17. Interstitial water chemistry, Site U1429.
- T18. Headspace gas concentrations, Site U1429.
- T19. Core disturbance intervals.
- T20. FlexIT data.
- T21. Inclination, declination, and intensity data.
- T22. APCT-3 profiles.
- T23. Vertical offsets, Site U1428.
- T24. Splice intervals, Site U1428.
- T25. Vertical offsets, Site U1429.
- T26. Splice intervals, Site U1429.
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Downhole measurements
In situ temperature and heat flow
Five formation temperature measurements, including one at the mudline, were performed in Holes U1428A and U1429A using the APCT-3.
In Hole U1428A, in situ temperatures range from 10.30°C at 34.9 m CSF-A to 20.56°C at 120.4 m CSF-A (Table T22), with a linear downhole increase indicating that the gradient is uniform with depth (Fig. F57) despite a small offset of the measurement taken at 91.9 m CSF-A. A linear fit of temperature versus depth yields a geothermal gradient of 116°C/km. The trend line of the in situ temperature measurements intersects the seafloor at 6.26°C, giving a lower value than the average mudline temperature in the four APCT-3 measurements (7.61°C) (Fig. F57A).
Thermal conductivity under in situ conditions was estimated from laboratory-determined thermal conductivity using the method of Hyndmann et al. (1974) (see “Physical properties” in the “Methods” chapter [Tada et al., 2015b]). Thermal resistance was calculated by cumulatively adding the inverse of the in situ thermal conductivity values over depth intervals downhole (Fig. F57). A heat flow of 126 mW/m2 was obtained from the slope of the linear fit between in situ temperature and calculated in situ thermal resistance (Pribnow et al., 2000).
In Hole U1429A, in situ temperatures range from 8.93°C at 34.9 m CSF-A to 14.78°C at 118.1 m CSF-A (Table T22). There was an important uncertainty in fitting to the APCT-3 temperature equilibration curve to obtain the formation temperature at 118.1 m CSF-A, probably because of poor contact of the temperature probe with the formation during in situ temperature measurement. The temperature measured from Core 346-U1429-13H depth thus deviates from the linear downhole increasing gradient (Fig. F58) and was not taken into account in the successive calculations. A linear fit of temperature versus depth gives a geothermal gradient of 94°C/km. This is lower than the geothermal gradient measured at Site U1428 (116°C/km), located only 15 km away. The trend line of the in situ temperature measurements intersects the seafloor at 6.94°C (Fig. F58). This is lower than the average mudline temperature in the four APCT-3 measurements (7.77°C) and slightly warmer than the seafloor temperature calculated at Site U1428 (6.26°C, Fig. F57A). A heat flow of 88 mW/m2 was obtained from the slope of the linear fit between in situ temperature and calculated in situ thermal resistance (Fig. F58) (Pribnow et al., 2000).
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