- Chapter contents
- Introduction
Physical properties
- Microbiology
Stratigraphic correlation
Downhole measurements
- References
- F1. Graphic lithology log.
- F2. Lithostratigraphic units.
- F3. Carbonate concretion.
- F4. Transverse faults.
- F5. Diatom taxa, Hole M0063A.
- F6. Diatom taxa, Hole M0063E.
- F7. Benthic foraminifers.
- F8. Ostracods.
- F9. Palynomorphs.
- F10. Pollen diagram.
- F11. Simplified pollen diagram.
- F12. Chloride, salinity, and alkalinity.
- F13. Methane, sulfate, sulfide, ammonium, phosphate, iron, manganese, and pH.
- F14. Bromide, boron, and chloride.
- F15. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chloride.
- F16. Strontium, lithium, silica, and barium.
- F17. TC, TOC, TIC, and TS.
- F18. NGR, MS, NCR, and dry density.
- F19. Gamma and discrete bulk density, P-wave velocity.
- F20. Gamma and discrete bulk density.
- F21. MS and NRM.
- F22. NRM.
- F23. Microbial cell abundances.
- F24. Sediment.
- F25. Two methods of cell enumeration.
- F26. PFC tracer concentrations.
- F27. Coring disturbances.
- F28. Downhole and natural gamma ray.
- F29. Seismic profile and lithostratigraphic boundaries.
- F30. Caliper, gamma ray, spectral gamma ray, resistivity, and sonic logs.
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Site M00631
T. Andrén, B.B. Jørgensen, C. Cotterill, S. Green, E. Andrén, J. Ash, T. Bauersachs, B. Cragg, A.-S. Fanget, A. Fehr, W. Granoszewski, J. Groeneveld, D. Hardisty, E. Herrero-Bervera, O. Hyttinen, J.B. Jensen, S. Johnson, M. Kenzler, A. Kotilainen, U. Kotthoff, I.P.G. Marshall, E. Martin, S. Obrochta, S. Passchier, N. Quintana Krupinski, N. Riedinger, C. Slomp, I. Snowball, A. Stepanova, S. Strano, A. Torti, J. Warnock, N. Xiao, and R. Zhang2
During Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 347, cores were recovered from five holes at Site M0063 (Landsort Deep), with an average site recovery of 97.9%. The water depth was 437.1 m, with a tidal range of <10 cm. Existing data sets, including seismic reflection profiles, were evaluated prior to each site to attempt to guide the initial drilling with an anticipated lithologic breakdown. The total time spent on station was 10.76 days.
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