39°55.00′N, 51°47.00′W
Water depth (m):
Target drilling depth (mbsf):
Approved maximum penetration (mbsf):
Request 700; pending EPSP approval
Survey coverage:
•Primary line: KNR 179-1, Line 7, SP 204 0520
•Crossing line: KNR 179-1, Line 10, SP 206 0227
Deep end of depth transect in shallowly buried lower Eocene to Albian drift; deepwater chemistry and history of the Deep Western Boundary Current; Paleogene hyperthermals; PETM. This site has the deepest water depth in the proposed drilling program. Below Eocene CCD.
Coring program:
•Hole A: APC/XCB to 400 mbsf with orientation and APCT-3
•Hole B: APC/XCB to 400 mbsf
•Hole C: APC/XCB to 400 mbsf
•See “Drilling strategy” and Tables T1, T2
Wireline logging program:
•Hole C: Wireline logging with triple combo and FMS-sonic
•See “Downhole measurements strategy” and Tables T1, T2
Anticipated lithology:
Carbonate ooze, hemipelagic clay, shallow-water carbonates