- Chapter contents
- Background and objectives
Science summary
Physical properties
Stratigraphic correlation and composite section
Downhole measurements
- References
- F1. Bathymetry, Site U1334.
- F2. Seismic reflection profile PEAT-4C Line 1.
- F3. Correlation of E/O boundary.
- F4. Site U1334 summary.
- F5. Lithologic summary, Site U1334.
- F6. CaCO3, TC, IC, and TOC, Hole U1334A.
- F7. Color reflectance and magnetic susceptibility, Hole U1334A.
- F8. Color variations.
- F9. Line scan images of Oligocene–Miocene transition.
- F10. Line scan images of Eocene–Oligocene transition.
- F11. Smear slides taken across the Eocene–Oligocene transition, Site U1334.
- F12. Line scan images of Eocene–Oligocene transition.
- F13. Integrated calcareous and siliceous microfossil biozonation, Site U1334.
- F14. Linear sedimentation rates and chronostratigraphic markers, Site U1334.
- F15. Stratigraphic distributions of abundance.
- F16. Magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic results, Hole U1334A.
- F17. Magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic results, Hole U1334B.
- F18. Magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic results, Hole U1334C.
- F19. Latitude of the virtual geomagnetic pole, Hole U1334B.
- F20. Alternating-field demagnetization results, Site U1334.
- F21. Latitude of the virtual geomagnetic pole, Hole U1334A.
- F22. Latitude of the virtual geomagnetic pole, Hole U1334C.
- F23. Interstitial water chemistry, Hole U1334A.
- F24. Interstitial water chemistry from Rhizon samples, Holes U1334B and U1334C.
- F25. Interstitial water chemistry, Site U1334.
- F26. WRMSL and NGR data, Site U1334.
- F27. Moisture and density measurements, Hole U1334A.
- F28. Moisture and density analysis of discrete samples, Hole U1334A.
- F29. Compressional wave velocity and discrete velocity measurements, Hole U1334A.
- F30. Porosity and thermal conductivity measurements, Hole U1334A.
- F31. Thermal conductivity vs. porosity.
- F32. RSC data, Site U1334.
- F33. Magnetic susceptibility data, Site U1334.
- F34. GRA density data, Site U1334.
- F35. CSF depth vs. CCSF-A depth for tops of cores, Site U1334.
- F36. Heat flow calculation, Site U1334.
- T1. Coring summary, Site U1334.
- T2. Lithologic unit boundaries, Site U1334.
- T3. Calcareous nannofossil datums, Site U1334.
- T4. Radiolarian datums, Site U1334.
- T5. Preservation and relative abundance of radiolarians, Hole U1334A.
- T6. Preservation and relative abundance of radiolarians, Hole U1334B.
- T7. Preservation and relative abundance of radiolarians, Hole U1334C.
- T8. Planktonic foraminifer datums, Site U1334.
- T9. Distribution of planktonic foraminifers, Site U1334.
- T10. Distribution of benthic foraminifers, Site U1334.
- T11. Coring-disturbed intervals and gaps, Site U1334.
- T12. Paleomagnetic data, Hole U1334A, at 0 mT AF demagnetization.
- T13. Paleomagnetic data, Hole U1334A, at 20 mT AF demagnetization.
- T14. Paleomagnetic data, Hole U1334B, at 0 mT AF demagnetization.
- T15. Paleomagnetic data, Hole U1334B, at 20 mT AF demagnetization.
- T16. Paleomagnetic data, Hole U1334C, at 0 mT AF demagnetization.
- T17. Paleomagnetic data, Hole U1334C, at 20 mT AF demagnetization.
- T18. Mean paleomagnetic direction for each core from Site U1334.
- T19. Paleomagnetic results for discrete samples, Hole U1334A.
- T20. PCA results for paleomagnetic data, Hole U1334A.
- T21. Magnetic susceptibility of discrete samples, Hole U1334A.
- T22. Magnetostratigraphy, Site U1334.
- T23. Interstitial water data from squeezed whole-round samples, Site U1334.
- T24. Interstitial water data from rhizon samples, Site U1334.
- T25. Inorganic geochemistry of solid samples, Hole U1334A.
- T26. Calcium carbonate and organic carbon data, Site U1334.
- T27. Moisture and density measurements, Hole U1334A.
- T28. Split-core P-wave velocity measurements, Hole U1334A.
- T29. Thermal conductivity, Hole U1334A.
- T30. Shipboard core top, composite, and corrected composite depths, Site U1334.
- T31. Splice tie points, Site U1334.
- T32. Magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic datums, Site U1334.
- T33. Results from APCT-3 temperature profiles, Hole U1334B.
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Downhole measurements
Heat flow
Five APCT-3 downhole temperature measurements in Hole U1334B ranged from 2.82°C at 32.2 m to 5.09°C at 106.2 m (Table T33), giving a geothermal gradient of 33.0°C/km (Fig. F36). The bottom water temperature was 1.457°C, based on the average of the minimum temperature in the five APCT-3 temperature profiles. Thermal conductivity under in situ conditions was estimated from laboratory-determined thermal conductivity using the method of Hyndman et al. (1974) (see "Physical properties" in the "Methods" chapter). The calculated in situ values are up to 2.2% below the measured laboratory values. Thermal resistance was then calculated by cumulatively adding the inverse of the in situ thermal conductivity values over depth intervals downhole (Fig. F36). A heat flow of 31.6 mW/m2 was obtained from the linear fit between temperature and thermal resistance (Fig. F36) (Pribnow et al., 2000), which is an intermediate value compared to nearby sites in the global heatflow database.
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