Alternate for proposed Site NT3-01B
33°23.05′N, 136°36.46′E
Water depth (m):
Target drilling depth (mbsf):
1400 m sediment
Approved maximum penetration (mbsf):
1400; approved by CDEX and TAMU safety panels based on EPSP Jan 2007 recommendation
Survey coverage:
CDEX 2006 3-D MCS; extensive survey data outlined in Proposal 603A-Full2 (
- Track map (Fig. AF30)
- 3-D InLine 2645 (Fig. AF31, AF32)
- 3-D CrossLine 6980 (Fig. AF33)
Objective (see text for full details):
Total history of the splay fault system is depicted by integrating the results from proposed Site NT3-01 as a reference for this site.
Drilling, coring, and downhole measurement program:
See NT3-01B
Anticipated lithology:
0–1039 mbsf: slope basin sediments; rapidly deposited sand/silts/clays
~420 mbsf: bottom-simulating reflector
1039–1400 mbsf: older accreted prism