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doi:10.2204/iodp.pr.340T.2012 AppendixMatlab scriptsThe Matlab scripts in this section were used to make a preliminary assessment of data quality from the Expedition 340T VSP. The scripts present time-windowed and band-pass filtered versions of all sensor components, shot-by-shot, for a single VSP station. The window is a short time interval based upon time integration of a 1-D velocity model for the hole (see “Principal results”). Time integration of the sonic log data gives essentially the same predictions. The main script is “cull_vsp_data.” It uses “rdsegy_full” to ready the SEGY versions of the VSP data and “butter_filt” to apply a band-pass Butterworth causal filter. cull_vsp_data% CULL_VSP_DATA - script to go through 3 component VSP data with traces % selected by station ID and plot all components for all shots at a given station % depth one shot at a time. % The VSP data from Expedition 340T was sufficiently noisy that arrivals could % only be identified by focusing on a short time window centred on the expected % arrival time and comparing filtered and unfiltered versions of the traces of % a shot % % Shot-to-shot variability was high enough that displaying all traces for all % shots at a single station was not feasible. % % Based on this display a initial data quality assessment was made for shots % from the 340T VSP. % % Required files % SEG-Y files with x,y & z data % Station text file with 3 columns station ID, depth (m), predicted time(s) % a. j. harding stationFile = 'vsp_time_pred.txt'; % 3 column table of predicted arrival times vspDir = '../Expedition_340T/data/vsp'; % Directory with SEG-Y data xFile = '340T-U1309D_raw_shot_geo_x.segy'; % Actual files yFile = '340T-U1309D_raw_shot_geo_y.segy'; zFile = '340T-U1309D_raw_shot_geo_z.segy'; % Length of time display window relative to time precition windowB = 0.1; % before pick windowT = 0.2; % after pick time_pred_offset = 0.010; % Adjustment of prediction for gun delay, gun depth etc. % Read VSP station file with IDs, depths & time prediction data = load(stationFile); station_id = data(:,1); station_z = round(data(:,2)*1000); % convert m station_tpred = data(:,3); max_ID = max(station_id); % Maximum station # if ~exist('seisz','var') [seisz,header] = rdsegy_full(fullfile(vspDir,zFile)); seisx = rdsegy_full(fullfile(vspDir,xFile)); seisy = rdsegy_full(fullfile(vspDir,yFile)); ixDepth = find(header.lactive == 11); % Row with station elevation wrt sea level ixScalar = find(header.sactive == 35); % Scalar for elevation elevScalar = double(header.short(ixScalar,1)); % Assume it doesn't change if elevScalar < 0; elevScalar = -1/elevScalar; end ixSampRate = find(header.sactive == 59); dt = double(header.short(ixSampRate,1))/1000000.; % convert from INT16 end % Set up parameters for Butterworth low/highpass filtering fc = [10,60]; % corner frequencies in Hz [Bl,Al] = butter_filt(4,fc(2),dt,'low'); % 4-pole low [Bh,Ah] = butter_filt(3,fc(1),dt,'high'); % 3-pole high % Read in the 3 components of data & header information % Only do this once per session nt = size(seisz,1); % samples ntotal = size(seisz,2); % # of shots/traces tv = [0:nt-1]*dt; % time vector for x-axis of plot % Apply filters as two part cascade low then high filt_seisx = filter(Bl,Al,seisx); filt_seisy = filter(Bl,Al,seisy); filt_seisz = filter(Bl,Al,seisz); filt_seisx = filter(Bh,Ah,filt_seisx); filt_seisy = filter(Bh,Ah,filt_seisy); filt_seisz = filter(Bh,Ah,filt_seisz); % Use depth from SEG-Y header to assign station IDs to all shots % used to select data for plotting. % NOTE must convert to double from INT32 zdata = -double(header.long(7,:))/10000.; % Station depths from segy headers station_data = ones(ntotal,1); for j = 1:ntotal ik = find(abs(station_z - zdata(j)) < 0.5); station_data(j) = station_id(ik); end while(1) curStation = input('Enter current station (<=0 to finish) '); if (curStation > max_ID); continue; end if (curStation <= 0); break; end % Extract station depth & travel time prediction ixcur = find(station_id == curStation); curZ = station_z(ixcur); curT = station_tpred(ixcur) + time_pred_offset; % Calculate sliding window around time prediction tbeg = floor((curT-windowB)/0.1)*0.1; tfin = ceil((curT+windowT)/0.1)*0.1; ixb = round(tbeg/dt)+1; ixt = round(tfin/dt)+1; ixRange = [ixb:ixt]; % Select traces for the current station ixselect = find(station_data == curStation); nselect = length(ixselect); tv_loc = tv(ixRange); xTraces = seisx(ixRange,ixselect)'; yTraces = seisy(ixRange,ixselect)'; zTraces = seisz(ixRange,ixselect)'; fxTraces = filt_seisx(ixRange,ixselect)'; fyTraces = filt_seisy(ixRange,ixselect)'; fzTraces = filt_seisz(ixRange,ixselect)'; % Create clipped version of traces clipAmp = 1.; ixClip = find(abs(fxTraces(:)) > clipAmp); cxTraces = fxTraces; cxTraces(ixClip) = NaN; ixClip = find(abs(fyTraces(:)) > clipAmp); cyTraces = fyTraces; cyTraces(ixClip) = NaN; ixClip = find(abs(fzTraces(:)) > clipAmp); czTraces = fzTraces; czTraces(ixClip) = NaN; % Now loop through traces plotting 3 windows % Unfiltered data - autoscaled by Matlab % Filtered - data also autoscaled % Clipped - y axis will be no larger than clipAmp for j = 1:nselect titleString = sprintf('x Comp Station: %d at z: %d Trace %d', ... curStation,curZ,ixselect(j)); figure(1) % Unfiltered clf subplot(3,1,1) plot(tv_loc, xTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); % time prediction xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title(titleString) subplot(3,1,2) plot(tv_loc, yTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title('y Component'); subplot(3,1,3) plot(tv_loc, zTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title('z Component'); figure(2) % Filtered clf subplot(3,1,1) plot(tv_loc,fxTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title(titleString) subplot(3,1,2) plot(tv_loc, fyTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title('y Component'); subplot(3,1,3) plot(tv_loc, fzTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title('z Component'); figure(3) % clipped clf subplot(3,1,1) plot(tv_loc,cxTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title(titleString) subplot(3,1,2) plot(tv_loc, cyTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title('y Component'); subplot(3,1,3) plot(tv_loc, czTraces(j,:),'k'); hold on plot(curT,0,'*r','markerSize',13); xlim([tv_loc(1),tv_loc(end)]); title('z Component'); pause % Wait for user to press key to continue end % for nselect end % while rdsegy_fullfunction [seis,header,binh] = rdsegy_full(fname) % RDSEGY_FULL returns both SEG-Y data and a header structure with active entries % % [seis,header,binh] = rdsegy_full(fname) % % % Inputs % fname: input file name % % Outputs: % seis[nsamps, nx]: Seismogram data % header - structure containing active header entries from the trace % header (defined as a non-zero value for any trace). % .sactive - indices in header of active short integer entries % .lactive - " " " " long " " % .short(nactiveS,nx) - matrix with short header entries % .long(nactiveL, nx) - matrix with long header entries % % a. j. harding, March 2012 % Indices for elements of the SEGY trace header insamp = 58; % Header number of samples % Open file and position past the EBCDIC header fid = fopen(fname, 'r','ieee-be'); if fid == -1 error('*** RDSEGY_FULL *** Error opening seismogram file') end fseek(fid,0,1); totalBytes = ftell(fid); % Skip over the EBCDIC Header fseek(fid,3200,-1); % Read the Binary header & check data format % The data format is stored in element 13 of the binary header. By % convention Sioseis denotes data in host machine floating point format % with an ID >= 5. This routine assumes floating point format and does % format conversion binh = fread(fid,200,'short'); data_format = binh(13); switch data_format case 1 % IBMFP disp('Format is IBM fp') form_str = 'uint'; form_str = 'float32'; data_size_bytes = 4; case 2 form_str = 'int32'; data_size_bytes = 4; case 3 form_str = 'int16'; data_size_bytes = 2; case 5 % Native floating point form_str = 'float32'; data_size_bytes = 4; otherwise fprintf(2,'RDSEGY2 BINARY HDR Cannot read data format\n'); fprintf(2,'Data format %d\n',data_format); error('**EXIT**'); end disp('***WARNING*** forcing format to native floating point'); form_str = 'float32'; data_format = 5; % Read the 1st header to find the no. of samples/trace T1 = fread(fid,120,'short')'; nsamps = T1(insamp); fseek(fid,-240,0); % Estimate total number of traces from no. of samples ntrEst = (totalBytes - 3600)/(240+nsamps*data_size_bytes); % Preassign an initial storage space for trace headers/data. % (Preassignment significantly increases read speed) % The header for each trace is read twice and once as short ints and % once as long ints, thus there are 2 header buffers ibuf & lbuf. ntr = max(1000,ntrEst); % Size of buffer increments ibuf = zeros(120,ntr); lbuf = zeros( 60,ntr); %bseis = zeros(nsamps,ntr); seis = zeros(nsamps,ntr); % >>>>>>>> Main Reading Loop : Read all traces <<<<<<<< nx = 0; % Number of traces read tic while (1) T1 = fread(fid,120,'int16'); if (feof(fid) == 1) break; end nsamps = T1(insamp); fseek(fid,-240,0); T2 = fread(fid, 60,'int32'); T3 = fread(fid,nsamps,form_str); % read trace data if data_format == 1; T3 = ibm2num(uint32(T3)); end nx = nx + 1; % Allocate additional storage space for data arrays if (rem(nx,ntr) == 1 & nx > 2) seis = [seis,zeros(nsamp,1000)]; ibuf = [ibuf,zeros(120,1000)]; lbuf = [lbuf,zeros( 60,1000)]; end % keyboard ibuf(:,nx) = T1; lbuf(:,nx) = T2; seis(:,nx) = T3; end %fprintf(1,'There are %d seismograms of %d points each\n',nx,nsamps); fclose(fid); seis = seis(:,1:nx); % 27L - used by UTIG as 4-byte lag value - non standard long_ix = [1:7,10:17,19:22]; % As per SEG-Y standard % 47 - SEG-Y standard subweathering velocity % 50 - source static correction % 51 - group static correction % 52 - total static correction % 53 - lag time A -time difference between source header time and time break % 54 - lag time B - time between time break and initiation of source % 55 - deep water delay time between energy source and time when recording starts short_ix = [15:18,35:36,45:59 63:90]; % As per standard % Last 60 bytes contain optional entries aux_short = [ 91:120]; aux_long = [ 46:60]; header.sactive = intersect(find(any(ibuf,2)),union(short_ix,aux_short)); header.lactive = intersect(find(any(lbuf,2)),union(long_ix,aux_long)); header.short = int16(ibuf(header.sactive,1:nx)); header.long = int32(lbuf(header.lactive,1:nx)); read_time = toc; if nx > 1000 fprintf(1,'Read %d traces in %.3f s\n',nx,read_time); end butter_filtfunction [B,A] = butter_filt(n,fc,dt,type) % BUTTER_FILT - creates a butterworth lowpass filter coefficients of order n % % [B,A] = butter(filt(n,fc,dt,type) % % n - order of the filter. % The drop off of the filter is approximately 6*n dB/octave % % fc - corner frequency(s) of filter. % dt - sample rate of data % % type - 'low', 'high','bandpass' % % B,A - numerator & denominator of IIR filter. To apply filter use the % Matlab function % To apply the filter use the Matlab function filter % y = filter(B,A,x) % % Implementation based on Wikipedia articles on Butterworth filter & bilinear % z-transform. % Though note bilinear tranform implied here is % s <- 2/dt (1-z)/(1+z) % As I want stable filter in terms of z not z^(-1) % % a. j. harding fcnorm = fc*dt; if (n <= 0) error('Order of filter (%d) must be > 0',n); end if (any(fcnorm < 0) | any(fcnorm >= 0.5)) error('Corner frequency %.1f outside range [0,fnyq]'); end if (nargin < 4) type = 'low'; end if ~any(strcmp(type,{'low','high','bandpass'})) error('Unrecognized filter type %s',type); end nby2 = floor(n/2); theta = (2*[1:nby2]+n-1)*pi/2/n; % roots on unit circle % fa = 1/pi/dt * tan(pi*fcnorm); % pre-warped corner frequency av = 1./tan(pi*fcnorm); % scaling factor based on corner frequency if any(strcmp(type,{'low','bandpass'})) a = av(end); asq = a*a; asqp = asq+1; if (mod(n,2) == 1) % Odd power => pole at -1 scalef = (1+a); B = [1,1]; A = [1, (1-a)/scalef]; else scalef = 1.; B = 1; A = 1; end % Add response due to other poles as conjugate pairs for effieciency % & to avoid complex coefficients/calculations. for k = 1:nby2 scalep = asqp - 2*a*cos(theta(k)); B = conv(B,[1,2,1]); A = conv(A,[1,-2*(a^2-1)/scalep, (asqp+2*a*cos(theta(k)))/scalep]); scalef = scalef * scalep; end; B = B/scalef; if strcmp(type,'low') return else Bl = B; Al = A; end end % Now do high pass end a = av(1); asq = a*a; asqp = asq+1; if (mod(n,2) == 1) % Odd power => pole at -1 scalef = (1+a); B = a*[1,-1]; A = [1, (1-a)/scalef]; else scalef = 1.; B = 1; A = 1; end % Add response due to other poles as conjugate pairs for effieciency % & to avoid complex coefficients/calculations. for k = 1:nby2 scalep = asqp - 2*a*cos(theta(k)); B = asq*conv(B,[1,-2,1]); A = conv(A,[1,-2*(a^2-1)/scalep, (asqp+2*a*cos(theta(k)))/scalep]); scalef = scalef * scalep; end; B = B/scalef; if strcmp(type,'bandpass') B = conv(B,Bl); A = conv (A,Al); end |