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Drilling in Hole U1402B, a reoccupation of Site 1073, recovered 15.05 m of hemipelagic sediment from the New Jersey margin following the engineering test of the MDHDS performed in Hole U1402A. The 15.05 m thick sequence is composed of two cores of Pleistocene age (Fig. F3). On the basis of visual core descriptions and smear slide analyses, the recovered section comprises one lithostratigraphic unit of silty clay. These findings are consistent with results from the uppermost cores at Site 1073.

Unit I

  • Interval: 342-U1402B-1H-1, 0 cm, through 2H-CC, 82 cm
  • Depth: Hole U1402B = 0.0–15.05 mbsf
  • Age: Pleistocene
  • Lithology: silty clay

Unit I is a dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) homogeneous silty clay with subtle greenish gray and black monosulfide mottling. At 1.90 mbsf, we note a change in color from dark greenish gray (10Y 4/1) to dark gray (N 4/1) homogeneous silty clay with common black monosulfide mottling (Fig. F4). Smear slide analyses reveal angular quartz (silt and sand sized), feldspar silt, monosulfides, mica silt, and calcareous nannofossils as minor lithologic components (<5% abundance).