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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.318.107.2011 ReferencesBarker, P.F., Camerlenghi, A., Acton, G.D., et al., 1999. Proc. ODP, Init. Repts., 178: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). doi:10.2973/ Berggren, W.A., 1992. Neogene planktonic foraminifer magnetobiostratigraphy of the southern Kerguelen Plateau (Sites 747, 748, and 751). In Wise, S.W., Jr., Schlich, R., et al., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 120: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 631–647. doi:10.2973/ Blakely, R.J., 1974. Geomagnetic reversals and crustal spreading rates during the Miocene. J. Geophys. Res., [Solid Earth], 79(20):2979–2985. doi:10.1029/JB079i020p02979 Bowles, J., Tauxe, L., Gee, J., McMillan, D., and Cande, S., 2003. Source of tiny wiggles in Chron C5: a comparison of sedimentary relative intensity and marine magnetic anomalies. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 4(6):1049–1068. doi:10.1029/2002GC000489 Broecker, W.S., and Peng, T.-H., 1982. Tracers in the Sea: Palisades, NY (Eldigio Press). 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