- Chapter contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Geophysical protocols (Pockalny, Abrams, Ellett, Harris, Murphy)
- Core labeling protocols (Ferdelman, Anderson, Steinman)
- Core cutting protocols (Ferdelman, Anderson, Steinman)
- Core-logging protocols (Rogers)
- Sedimentology protocols (Hasiuk, Stancin)
- Conductivity protocols (Hasiuk, Stancin)
- Biogeochemistry protocols (Spivack, Fischer, Fuldauer, Graham, Griffith, Nordhausen, Schrum, Smith)
- Hydrogen analysis (Smith, Spivack)
- Microbial activity protocols (Ferdelman, Soffientino)
- Protocols for other microbial activities (Ferdelman)
- Microbiology protocols (Smith, Durbin, Forschner, Harrison, Horn, Kallmeyer, Lever, Puschell, Soffientino)
- Cell enumeration protocols (Kallmeyer, Puschell, Harrison)
- Molecular protocols for sediments (Durbin, Forschner, Harrison, Lever, Puschell)
- Cultivation protocols for sediments (Puschell, Forschner)
- Protocols for microbiological studies of manganese nodules (Harrison, Horn)
- Protocols for microbiological studies of altered basalts (Horn)
- Water column sampling and sample handling protocols (Halm, Dorrance)
- Geologic context/geophysical survey (Abrams, Harris, Pockalny)
- Oceanographic context (Dorrance, Goldstein, Halm, Morse)
- Marine mammal monitoring and mitigation (Goldstein, Morse)
- Sedimentology (Hasiuk, Stancin)
- Manganese nodules
- Sedimentation rates
- Physical properties (Hasiuk, Rogers, Stancin)
- Microbial activity (Ferdelman, Soffientino)
- Microbiology (Durbin, Forschner, Harrison, Horn, Kallmeyer, Lever, Puschell, Smith)
- References
- F1. Site locations.
- F2. South Pacific Gyre bathymetry.
- F3. Temperature data logger.
- F4. Fin attachments.
- F5. Section labeling scheme.
- F6. Argo float operation.
- F7. Core recovery, Sites SPG-1–SPG-6.
- F8. Core recovery, Sites SPG-7–SPG-12.
- F9. Underway geophysical data track.
- F10. Crust age and spreading rate.
- F11. Autonomous outrigger thermistor data.
- F12. Thermal conductivity.
- F13. Global marine heat flow compilation.
- F14. Heat flow determinations.
- F15. Section recovery and total sedimentation.
- F16. Stratigraphic columns.
- F17. Vertical sedimentation rates.
- F18. Core logs, Site SPG-1.
- F19. Core logs, Site SPG-2.
- F20. Core logs, Site SPG-3.
- F21. Core logs, Site SPG-4.
- F22. Core logs, Site SPG-5.
- F23. Core logs, Site SPG-6.
- F24. Core logs, Site SPG-7.
- F25. Core logs, Site SPG-9.
- F26. Core logs, Site SPG-10.
- F27. Core logs, Site SPG-11.
- F28. Core logs, Site SPG-12.
- F29. Conductivity data.
- F30. Oxygen profiles.
- F31. Oxygen microprofiles.
- F32. Benthic lander oxygen microprofiles.
- F33. Interstitial water contents.
- F34. Counted cell concentrations.
- F35. Cell concentration comparison.
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KNOX-02RR: drilling site survey—life in subseafloor sediments of the South Pacific Gyre1
S. D’Hondt,2 L.J. Abrams,3 R. Anderson,4 J. Dorrance,5 A. Durbin,6 L. Ellett,5 T. Ferdelman,2 J. Fischer,7 S. Forschner,8 R. Fuldauer,9 H. Goldstein,5 D. Graham,2 W. Griffith,10 H. Halm,7 R. Harris,2 B. Harrison,11 F. Hasiuk,12 G. Horn,13 J. Kallmeyer,2 M. Lever,6 J. Meyer,5 L. Morse,5 C. Moser,14 B. Murphy,5 A. Nordhausen,7 L. Parry,5 R. Pockalny,8 A. Puschell,7 J. Rogers,8 H. Schrum,8 D.C. Smith,8 B. Soffientino,8 A.J. Spivack,2 A. Stancin,12 M. Steinman,9 and P. Walczak14
The middle of the South Pacific Gyre is farther from continents and productive oceanic zones than any other site on Earth. To understand the nature of life in the most oxidized and food-limited subseafloor sediments, Cruise KNOX-02RR surveyed and cored sediment at ten sites throughout the South Pacific Gyre and one site at the southern margin of the gyre. Sediment at all of the South Pacific Gyre sites accumulated extraordinarily slowly for millions of years (0.1–1 m/m.y.).
Shipboard scientific results indicate that South Pacific Gyre sediments contain a living community characterized by very low biomass and very low metabolic activity. At every depth in the cored South Pacific Gyre sediments, cell abundances are 2–6 orders of magnitude lower than at the same depths in all previously explored subseafloor communities. The net rate of respiration by the subseafloor sedimentary community at each gyre site is 1–3 orders of magnitude lower than the rates of subseafloor communities at previously explored sites.
Because of the low rates of respiration, interstitial waters are oxic throughout the upper sediment column in most of this region. Consequently, the subseafloor sedimentary community of this region is predominantly aerobic to more than 8 m below the seafloor, unlike previously explored subseafloor communities. Generation of hydrogen by radiolysis of water may be a significant food source for this subseafloor community.
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