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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.311.106.2006 ReferencesAldred, W., Cook, J., Bern, P., Carpenter, B., Hutchinson, M., Lovell, J., Rezmer-Cooper, I., and Leder, P.C., 1998. Using downhole annular pressure measurements to improve drilling performance. Oilfield Rev., 10(4):40–55 Bohrmann, G., Greinert, J., Suess, E., and Torres, M., 1998. Authigenic carbonates from the Cascadia subduction zone and their relation to gas hydrate stability. Geology, 26:647–650. Chapman, N.R., Gettrust, J.F., Walia, R., Hannay, D., Spence, G.D., Wood, W.T., and Hyndman, R.D., 2002. High-resolution, deep-towed, multichannel seismic survey of deep-sea gas hydrates off western Canada. Geophysics, 67(4):1038–1047. doi:10.1190/1.1500364 Collett, T.S., 2000. Quantitative well-log analysis of in-situ natural gas hydrates [Ph.D. dissert.]. Colorado School of Mines, Golden.
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