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IODP Publications

The following scientific report and publication series summarize the scientific and technical accomplishments of each IODP expedition.

International Ocean Discovery Program

Publications of the International Ocean Discovery Program
  Expedition IO Sites Scientific
Proceedings Bibliography RIS Data
405 Tracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench (JTRACK) MarE3   405 SP
403 Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive (FRAME) JRSO   403 SP     Bibliography    
402 Tyrrhenian Continent–Ocean Transition JRSO U1612–U1617 402 SP     Bibliography    
401 Mediterranean–Atlantic Gateway Exchange JRSO U1385, U1609–U1611 401 SP 401 PR   Bibliography    
400 NW Greenland Glaciated Margin JRSO U1603–U1608 400 SP 400 PR   Bibliography    
399 Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif JRSO U1309, U1601 399 SP 399 PR   Bibliography    
398 Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field JRSO U1589–U1600 398 SP 398 PR Volume 398 Bibliography RIS  
397 Iberian Margin Paleoclimate JRSO U1385, U1586–U1588 397 SP 397 PR Volume 397 Bibliography RIS  
397T Return to Walvis Ridge Hotspot JRSO U1584–U1585 397T SP 397T PR Volume 391 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
396 Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications JRSO U1565–U1574 396 SP 396 PR Volume 396 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
395E Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Installations JRSO U1556, U1557, U1560, U1561   395E PR Volume 390/393 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
395C Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate: Crustal Objectives JRSO U1554–U1555, U1562–U1564   395C PR   Bibliography RIS  
395 Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate JRSO U1554, U1562, U1564, U1602 395 SP
395 PR   Bibliography RIS  
393 South Atlantic Transect 2 JRSO U1558–U1560, U1583 390/393 SP
393 PR Volume 390/393 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
392 Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate JRSO U1579–U1582 392 SP 392 PR Volume 392 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
391 Walvis Ridge Hotspot JRSO U1575–U1578 391 SP
391 PR Volume 391 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
390C South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems JRSO U1556–U1559   390C PR Volume 390/393 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
390 South Atlantic Transect 1 JRSO U1556, U1557, U1559 390/393 SP
390 PR Volume 390/393 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
389 Hawaiian Drowned Reefs ESO M0096–M0110 389 SP 389 PR   Bibliography    
388 Equatorial Atlantic Gateway JRSO   388 SP     Bibliography RIS  
387 Amazon Margin JRSO   387 SP     Bibliography    
386 Japan Trench Paleoseismology ESO M0081–M0095 386 SP 386 PR Volume 386 Bibliography RIS  
385 Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere JRSO U1545–U1552 385 SP 385 PR Volume 385 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
385T Panama Basin Crustal Architecture and Deep Biosphere JRSO 504, 896 385T SP 385T PR   Bibliography RIS  
384 Engineering Testing JRSO U1554–U1555 384 SP 384 PR   Bibliography RIS  
383 Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current JRSO U1539–U1544 383 SP
383 PR Volume 383 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
382 Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics JRSO U1534–U1538 382 SP 382 PR Volume 382 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
381 Corinth Active Rift Development ESO M0078–M0080 381 SP 381 PR Volume 381 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
380 NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Frontal Thrust Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS) MarE3 C0006 380 SP 380 PR Volume 380 Bibliography RIS  
379 Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History JRSO U1532–U1533 379 SP
379 PR Volume 379 Bibliography RIS  
378 South Pacific Paleogene Climate JRSO U1553 378 SP
378 PR Volume 378 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
377 Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography (ArcOP) ESO   377 SP     Bibliography    
376 Brothers Arc Flux JRSO U1527–U1531 376 SP 376 PR Volume 376 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
375 Hikurangi Subduction Margin JRSO U1518–U1520, U1526 375 SP 375 PR Volume 372B/375 Bibliography RIS  
374 Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History JRSO U1521–U1525 374 SP
374 PR Volume 374 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
372 Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and LWD for Hikurangi Subduction Margin JRSO U1517–U1520 372 SP 372 PR Volume 372A
Volume 372B/375
Bibliography RIS Zenodo
371 Tasman Frontier Subduction Initiation and Paleogene Climate JRSO U1506–U1511 371 SP 371 PR Volume 371 Bibliography RIS  
370 Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto MarE3 C0023 370 SP 370 PR Volume 370 Bibliography RIS Sio7
369 Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics JRSO U1512–U1516 369 SP 369 PR Volume 369 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
368X Return to Hole U1503A (South China Sea) JRSO U1503 368X PR Volume 367/368/368X Bibliography RIS Zenodo
368 South China Sea Rifted Margin JRSO U1501–U1505 367/368 SP
368 PR Volume 367/368/368X Bibliography RIS  
367 South China Sea Rifted Margin JRSO U1499–U1500 367/368 SP
367 PR Volume 367/368/368X Bibliography RIS  
366 Mariana Convergent Margin JRSO U1491–U1498 366 SP 366 PR Volume 366 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
365 NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Shallow Megasplay Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS) MarE3 C0010 365 SP 365 PR Volume 365 Bibliography RIS Sio7
364 Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater ESO M0077 364 SP 364 PR Volume 364 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
363 Western Pacific Warm Pool JRSO U1482–U1490 363 SP 363 PR Volume 363 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
362 Sumatra Seismogenic Zone JRSO U1480–U1481 362 SP
362 PR Volume 362 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
361 South African Climates (Agulhas LGM Density Profile) JRSO U1474–U1479 361 SP 361 PR Volume 361 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
360 Southwest Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho JRSO U1473 360 SP 360 PR Volume 360 Bibliography RIS  
359 Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level JRSO U1465–U1472 359 SP
359 PR Volume 359 Bibliography RIS  
358 NanTroSEIZE Plate Boundary Deep Riser 4 MarE3 C0002, C0024, C0025 358 SP 358 PR Volume 358 Bibliography RIS Sio7
357 Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life ESO M0068–M0076 357 SP 357 PR Volume 357 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
356 Indonesian Throughflow JRSO U1458–U1464 356 SP 356 PR Volume 356 Bibliography RIS  
355 Arabian Sea Monsoon JRSO U1456–U1457 355 SP 355 PR Volume 355 Bibliography RIS  
354 Bengal Fan JRSO U1449–U1455 354 SP 354 PR Volume 354 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
353 Indian Monsoon Rainfall JRSO U1443–U1448 353 SP 353 PR Volume 353 Bibliography RIS  
352 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore Arc USIO U1439–U1442 352 SP 352 PR Volume 352 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
351 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins USIO U1438 351 SP 351 PR Volume 351 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
350 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Rear Arc USIO U1436–U1437 350 SP 350 PR Volume 350 Bibliography RIS Zenodo
349 South China Sea Tectonics USIO U1431–U1435 349 SP 349 PR Volume 349 Bibliography RIS  

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program

Publications of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
  Expedition IO Sites Scientific
Proceedings Bibliography RIS Data
348 NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Plate Boundary Deep Riser 3 CDEX C0002 348 SP 348 PR Volume 348 Bibliography RIS Sio7
347 Baltic Sea Basin Paleoenvironment ESO M0059–M0067 347 SP 347 PR Volume 347 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
346 Asian Monsoon USIO U1422–U1430 346 SP
346 PR Volume 346 Bibliography RIS  
345 Hess Deep Plutonic Crust USIO U1415 345 SP 345 PR Volume 345 Bibliography RIS  
344 Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project, Program A Stage 2 (CRISP-A2) USIO U1380–U1381, U1412–U1414 344 SP 344 PR Volume 344 Bibliography RIS  
343 Japan Trench Fast Earthquake Drilling Project (JFAST) CDEX C0019 343 SP 343/343T PR Volume 343/343T Bibliography RIS Sio7
342 Paleogene Newfoundland Sediment Drifts USIO U1402–U1411 342 SP 342 PR Volume 342 Bibliography RIS  
341S Simple Cabled Instrument for Measuring Parameters In situ (SCIMPI) and Hole 858G CORK replacement USIO 898, U1416 341S SP 341S PR   Bibliography RIS  
341 Southern Alaska Margin USIO U1417–U1421 341 SP
341 PR Volume 341 Bibliography RIS  
340T Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex USIO U1309, U1392 340T SP 340T PR   Bibliography RIS  
340 Lesser Antilles Volcanism and Landslides USIO U1393–U1401 340 SP 340 PR Volume 340 Bibliography RIS  
339 Mediterranean Outflow USIO U1385–U1391 339 SP
339 PR Volume 339 Bibliography RIS  
338 NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Plate Boundary Deep Riser 2 CDEX C0002, C0018, C0021, C0022 338 SP 338 PR Volume 338 Bibliography RIS Sio7
337 Deep Coalbed Biosphere off Shimokita CDEX C0020 337 SP
337 PR Volume 337 Bibliography RIS Sio7
336 Mid-Atlantic Ridge Microbiology USIO U1382–U1384, 395 336 SP 336 PR Volume 336 Bibliography RIS  
335 Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 4 USIO 1256 335 SP 335 PR Volume 335 Bibliography RIS  
334 Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP) USIO U1378–U1381 334 SP 334 PR Volume 334 Bibliography RIS  
333 NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Subduction Inputs 2 and Heat Flow CDEX C0011, C0012, C0018 333 SP 333 PR Volume 333 Bibliography RIS Sio7
332 NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Riserless Observatory CDEX C0002, C0010 332 SP 332 PR Volume 332 Bibliography RIS Sio7
331 Deep Hot Biosphere CDEX C0013–C0017 331 SP 331 PR Volume 331 Bibliography RIS Sio7
330 Louisville Seamount Trail USIO U1372–U1377 330 SP 330 PR Volume 330 Bibliography RIS  
329 South Pacific Gyre Subseafloor Life USIO U1365–U1371 329 SP 329 PR Volume 329 Bibliography RIS  
328 Cascadia Subduction Zone ACORK Observatory USIO U1364 328 SP 328 PR   Bibliography RIS  
327 Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology USIO U1362, U1363, U1301, 1027 327 SP 327 PR Volume 327 Bibliography RIS  
326 NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Plate Boundary Deep Riser 1 CDEX C0002 326 SP 326 PR   Bibliography RIS Sio7
325 Great Barrier Reef environmental changes ESO M0030–M0058 325 SP 325 PR Volume 325 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
324 Shatsky Rise USIO U1346–U1350 324 SP 324 PR Volume 324 Bibliography RIS  
323 Bering Sea Paleoceanography USIO U1339–U1345 323 SP 323 PR Volume 323 Bibliography RIS  
322 NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Subduction inputs CDEX C0011–C0012 322 SP 322 PR Volume 322 Bibliography RIS Sio7
321T Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology USIO U1301 321T SP 321T PR   Bibliography    
321 Pacific Equatorial Age Transect USIO U1337–U1338 320/321 SP
321 PR Volume 320/321 Bibliography RIS  
320 Pacific Equatorial Age Transect USIO U1331–U1336 320/321 SP
320 PR Volume 320/321 Bibliography RIS  
320T USIO Sea Trials and Assessment of Readiness Transit (START): Ontong Java Plateau USIO U1330   320T PR   Bibliography    
319 NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Riser/Riserless Observatory 1 CDEX C0009–C0011 319 SP 319 PR Volume 319 Bibliography RIS Sio7
318 Wilkes Land USIO U1355–U1361 318 SP 318 PR Volume 318 Bibliography RIS  
317 Canterbury Basin USIO U1351–U1354 317 SP 317 PR Volume 317 Bibliography RIS  
316 NanTroSEIZE Project Stage 1: Thrust Faults CDEX C0004, C0006–C0008 316 SP
316 PR Volume 314/315/316 Bibliography RIS Sio7
315 NanTroSEIZE Project Stage 1: Mega-Splay Riser Pilot CDEX C0001–C0002 315 SP
315 PR Volume 314/315/316 Bibliography RIS Sio7
314 NanTroSEIZE Project Stage 1: LWD Transect CDEX C0001–C0006 314 SP 314 PR Volume 314/315/316 Bibliography RIS Sio7
313 New Jersey Shallow Shelf ESO M0027–M0029 313 SP 313 PR Volume 313 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
312 Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 3 USIO 1256 309/312 SP 312 PR Volume 309/312 Bibliography RIS  
311 Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrates USIO U1325–U1329 311 SP
311 PR Volume 311 Bibliography RIS  
310 Tahiti Sea Level ESO M0005–M0026 310 SP 310 PR Volume 310 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
309 Superfast Spreading Rate Crust 2 USIO 1256 309/312 SP 309 PR Volume 309/312 Bibliography RIS  
308 Gulf of Mexico Hydrogeology USIO U1319–U1324 308 SP 308 PR Volume 308 Bibliography RIS  
307 Porcupine Basin Carbonate Mounds USIO U1316–U1318 307 SP 307 PR Volume 307 Bibliography RIS  
306 North Atlantic Climate 2 USIO U1312–U1315 303/306 SP
306 PR Volume 303/306 Bibliography RIS  
305 Ocean Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif 2 USIO U1309 304/305 SP 305 PR Volume 304/305 Bibliography RIS  
304 Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif 1 USIO U1309–U1311 304/305 SP 304 PR Volume 304/305 Bibliography RIS  
303 North Atlantic Climate 1 USIO U1302–U1308 303/306 SP
303 PR Volume 303/306 Bibliography RIS  
302 Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) ESO M0001–M0004 302 SP 302 PR Volume 302 Bibliography RIS PANGAEA
301 Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology USIO U1301, 1026 301 SP 301 PR Volume 301 Bibliography RIS  
301T Costa Rica Hydrogeology USIO 1253, 1255 301T SP 301T PR   Bibliography    

Statement on IODP Publications and Reports