Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
Volume 386
Japan Trench Paleoseismology
Expedition 386 of the R/V Kaimei
from and to Yokosuka, Japan
Sites M0081–M0095
13 April–1 June 2021
Volume authorship
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists
Published by
International Ocean Discovery Program
Publisher’s notes
This publication was prepared by the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) Science Operator (ESO) and Texas A&M University (TAMU) as an account of work implemented jointly by the ECORD Science Operator and the Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3) under the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). Funding for IODP is provided by the following international partners:
- National Science Foundation (NSF), United States
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan
- European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), People’s Republic of China
- Australia-New Zealand IODP Consortium (ANZIC)
- Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), India
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the participating agencies or TAMU.
IODP mission-specific platform data are accessible at If you cannot access this site or need additional data, please contact Data Librarian, PANGAEA, University of Bremen, MARUM, Leobener Strasse 8, 28359 Bremen, Germany. Tel: (49) 421-218-65951; Fax: (49) 421-218-98-65951
Supplemental data were provided by the authors and may not conform to IODP publication formats.
ESO expedition photos are the property of IODP and are public access.
Some core photographs have been tonally enhanced to better illustrate particular features of interest. High-resolution images are available upon request.
Cover photograph shows recovery of the Giant Piston Corer to the deck of the R/V Kaimei. Photo credit: Natsumi Okotsu and IODP ESO.
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (
Examples of how to cite this volume or part of this volume are available at
Volume DOI
Publication date
Expedition reports
Southern Japan Trench
Sites M0081 and M0082 (Basin S1)
Sites M0092 and M0095 (Basin S2)
Central Japan Trench
Sites M0083 and M0089 (Basin C2)
Boundary area Central/Northern Japan Trench
Northern Japan Trench
Sites M0084 and M0085 (Basin N3)
Core descriptions
Visual core descriptions (VCDs) are presented in PDF files for each site.
Thin sections and/or smear slides for each site or hole are presented in CSV or PDF format in the CORES directory. The entire set of core images in PDF is available in the IMAGES directory.
Site M0081: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0082: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0083: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0084: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0085: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0086: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0087: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0088: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0089: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0090: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0091: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0092: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0093: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0094: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Site M0095: Visual core descriptions · Smear slides
Supplementary material
Supplementary material for the Volume 386 expedition reports includes core closeup photos and linescan, smear slide, and X-ray CT images in JPG format; smear slide photos in TIFF; micropaleontology and operations data in Microsoft Word format; geochemistry, paleomagnetism, smear slide, transponder, and XRD data as well as winch logs in Microsoft Excel format; hand drawn VCDs, hydroacoustic data, and X-ray CT summary plots in PDF; micropaleontology data in Adobe Illustrator and PDF; hydroacoustic data in XML, GRD, XYZ, and XPT formats; and XRD SigmaPlot data in JNB format. A full list of directories can be found in SUPP_MAT in the volume zip folder or on the Supplementary material for Volume 386 expedition reports web page.
Expedition research results
Data reports
Drilling location maps
A site map showing the drilling locations for this expedition and maps showing the drilling locations of all International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) expeditions, produced using QGIS (, and all Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) expeditions, produced using Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) of Paul Wessel and Walter H.F. Smith (, are available in PDF.
- IODP Expedition 386 site map
- IODP map
- Integrated Ocean Drilling Program map (Expeditions 301–348)
- ODP map (Legs 100–210)
- DSDP map (Legs 1–96)
The members of the Expedition 386 Science Party would like to extend their sincere thanks to a huge number of people and organizations who made this expedition possible during one of the most challenging periods facing the planet in recent decades. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted so many aspects of normal life and lives around the globe, and it is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and belief held by all those involved in this expedition that it has been such a success. In particular, we would like to thank the staff at JAMSTEC and MarE3 and the crews and technical staff of the R/V Kaimei and D/V Chikyu for continuing the offshore and onshore phases of the expedition in isolation with such professionalism. We would like to acknowledge the support of ECORD for continuing to believe the expedition was possible and enabling its delivery through such close collaboration with MarE3 and JAMSTEC. The coordination of the expedition by ESO was critical, forming a close, effective, and lasting relationship with their Japanese colleagues to create entirely novel workflows, allowing the science of the expedition to continue almost as normal. The processing of data and shipping of samples to the laboratories at the European Petrophysics Consortium (UK) and Bremen Core Repository (Germany) to be completed alongside work ongoing in Japan, while keeping the Science Party involved throughout, allowed the expedition to function as it should, demonstrating how flexibility and innovation can produce the best science even under the most challenging conditions. Constant support from publications staff at the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator at Texas A&M University (USA) both during and after the operational phases of the expedition is gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank J-DESC for their support and for the invaluable help provided by the student technical assistants, working with the Science Party and operator staff aboard Chikyu during the OSP.
The Co-Chief Scientists and EPMs would also like to thank all members of the Science Party for their dedication to the expedition over the last three years, despite multiple delays, setbacks, changes in timetabling, and sample planning, as well as all the normal challenges experienced in any normal IODP expedition. Their patience and cooperative attitude throughout has forged a team that will no doubt produce excellent and world-leading research for many years to come and has helped create a scientific legacy that does IODP proud.
The expedition was made possible by financial and logistical support from IODP program members and IODP committees. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the very large numbers of scientists working in the fields of submarine paleoseismology, deep-sea geology, and geochemistry without whose long-term dedication, intellectual input, and support over many years this project would have never come to fruition.
The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) represents the latest incarnation of almost five decades of scientific ocean drilling excellence and is generally accepted as the most successful international collaboration in the history of the Earth sciences. IODP builds seamlessly on the accomplishments of previous phases: the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. The 2013–2023 IODP Science Plan (Illuminating Earth’s Past, Present, and Future) defines four themes and thirteen challenges for this decade of scientific ocean drilling that are both of fundamental importance in understanding how the Earth works and of significant relevance to society as the Earth changes, at least in part in response to anthropogenic forcing. This phase of IODP represents an intense level of international collaboration in bringing diverse drilling platforms and strategies to increasing our understanding of climate and ocean change, the deep biosphere and evolution of ecosystems, connections between Earth’s deep processes and surface manifestations, and geologically induced hazards on human timeframes.
The Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program presents the scientific and engineering results of IODP drilling projects, expedition by expedition. As in the preceding Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, expeditions in the current IODP phase are conducted by three implementing organizations, each providing a different drilling capability. These are the US Implementing Organization (USIO; through September 2014) and the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO; as of October 2014), providing the leased commercial vessel JOIDES Resolution for riserless drilling operations; JAMSTEC’s Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3), providing the drillship Chikyu for riser and occasional riserless operations; and the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) Science Operator (ESO), providing “mission-specific” platforms (MSPs) for expeditions that extend the IODP operational range where neither drillship is suitable, for example, in polar environments and in shallow waters. Scheduling decisions for each capability are made by three independent Facility Boards, each of which includes scientists, operators, and platform funding partners: the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB), Chikyu IODP Board (CIB), and ECORD Facility Board (EFB). At the beginning of the current IODP, the three Facility Boards agreed to utilize Publication Services at the USIO and now the JRSO for production of all expedition Proceedings volumes and reports.
The current IODP differs from prior scientific ocean drilling programs in that it has neither a central management organization nor commingled funding for program-wide activities. Yet this phase of IODP retains a fundamental integrative structural element: a “bottom-up” evaluation of all proposals for drilling expeditions by a single advisory structure composed of scientists representing all international program partners. International scientists may submit drilling proposals to the Science Support Office; all submitted proposals are then evaluated by a Science Evaluation Panel in the context of the Science Plan.
The current IODP also has an international integrative level for high-level discussion and global consensus-building: the IODP Forum. The Forum is not only charged with assessing program-wide progress toward achieving the current Science Plan, but also with overseeing approaches toward a new bright future of scientific ocean drilling post 2023. At present, IODP involves 22 international funding agencies, including those from the United States, Japan, an Australia/New Zealand consortium (ANZIC), China, India, South Korea, and the fifteen members of ECORD (Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom). The IODP membership represents an unparalleled level of international scientific collaboration; one of the greatest, and ongoing strengths of scientific ocean drilling.
Henk Brinkhuis
Chair, IODP Forum
Reviewers for this volume
International Ocean Discovery Program
JOIDES Resolution Science Operator
International Ocean Discovery Program
Tel: (979) 845-2673; Fax: (979) 845-4857
IODP JRSO Curation and Laboratories
IODP Gulf Coast Repository (GCR)
Tel: (979) 845-8490; Fax: (979) 845-1303
European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling, Science Operator (ESO)
IODP ESO Coordinator: Science, Logistics, and Operations
Tel: (44) 131-667-1000; Fax: (44) 131-668-4140
IODP ESO Petrophysics
European Petrophysics Consortium
Tel: (44) 116-252-3611; Fax: (44) 116-252-3918
IODP ESO Curation and Laboratories
IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR)
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)
Tel: (49) 421-218-65560; Fax: (49) 421-218-98-65560
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
IODP Japan Science Operator
Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3)
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Tel: (81) 45-778-5643; Fax: (81) 45-778-5704
IODP Japan Curation and Laboratories
IODP Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KCC)
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Tel: (81) 88-864-6705; Fax: (81) 88-878-2192
Expedition 386 participants*
Expedition 386 scientists
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Present affiliation (21 April 2023):
Expedition Project Manager/Paleomagnetism Measurements
Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Expedition Project Manager/GPC Operation and Development
Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ministry of Education
Neotectonics and Natural Hazards Group
Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Jyh-Jaan Steven Huang†
International Research Institute of Disaster Science
Micropaleontologist (Radiolarian specialist)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Structural Geology and Tectonics Specialist
University of Western Australia
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Martin Kölling†
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Queens College, City University of New York
Physical Properties Specialist/Stratigraphic Correlator
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel
Yoshitaka Nagahashi†
Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science
Physical Properties Specialist
National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
Boone Pickens School of Geology
Physical Properties Specialist
Physical Properties Specialist
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Physical Properties Specialist
Inorganic Geochemist/Tephra Specialist
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Physical Properties Specialist
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
Physical Properties Specialist
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)
Biostratigrapher (foraminifera)
Department of Physical Sciences
University of Central Missouri
*Affiliations at time of expedition, except where updated by participants.
†Shore-based participant.
Operational, management, and technical staff
Director of Operations Department
Student Technician Coordinator/Outreach Manager
Student Laboratory Technicians
ECORD Science Operator
Ursula Röhl (Curation and Laboratory Manager)
Patrizia Gepraegs (Curator/Assistant Laboratory Manager)
Alex Wülbers (Curator/Logistics)
Outreach Manager/Media Relations
Publications Specialist (JRSO)
Martin Kölling (Inorganic Geochemistry)
Marine Works Japan, Ltd.
Core and Laboratory Technicians
Nippon Marine Enterprises, Ltd.
Core Handling/Laboratory Management
Ship’s crew R/V Kaimei
IODP Publication Services staff*
Manager of Publication Services
Expedition-related bibliography*
IODP publications
Scientific Prospectus
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., and Cotterill, C., 2019. Expedition 386 Scientific Prospectus: Japan Trench Paleoseismology. International Ocean Discovery Program.
Preliminary Report
Ikehara, K., Strasser, M., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, 2023. Expedition 386 Preliminary Report: Japan Trench Paleoseismology. International Ocean Discovery Program.
Proceedings volume
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, 2023. Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Expedition reports
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Expedition 386 summary. In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Expedition 386 methods. In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Sites M0081 and M0082 (Basin S1). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Sites M0092 and M0095 (Basin S2). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Site M0091 (Basin S3). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Site M0090 (Basin C1). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Sites M0083 and M0089 (Basin C2). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Site M0093 (Basin C/N1). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Site M0094 (Basin C/N2). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Site M0087 (Basin C/N3). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Site M0086 (Basin N1). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Site M0088 (Basin N2). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Grant, H., Stewart, M., Okutsu, N., Sakurai, N., Yokoyama, T., Bao, R., Bellanova, P., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K.H., Huang, J.J., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Jitsuno, K., Johnson, J.E., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., Kölling, M., Luo, M., März, C., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Nagahashi, Y., Pandey, D.K., Proust, J.N., Rasbury, E.T., Riedinger, N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D.E., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Straub, S.M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.W., and Zellers, S.D., 2023. Sites M0084 and M0085 (Basin N3). In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Supplementary material
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, 2023. Supplementary material, In Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., and the Expedition 386 Scientists, Japan Trench Paleoseismology. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 386: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Expedition research results
Chu, M., Bao, R., Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Hochmuth, K., Xu, L., McNichol, A., Bellanova, P., Rasbury, T., Kölling, M., Riedinger, N., Johnson, J., Luo, M., März, C., Straub, S., Jitsuno, K., Brunet, M., Cai, Z., Cattaneo, A., Hsiung, K., Ishizawa, T., Itaki, T., Kanamatsu, T., Keep, M., Kioka, A., McHugh, C., Micallef, A., Pandey, D., Proust, J.N., Satoguchi, Y., Sawyer, D., Seibert, C., Silver, M., Virtasalo, J., Wang, Y., Wu, T.-W., and Zellers, S., 2023. Earthquake-enhanced dissolved carbon cycles in ultra-deep ocean sediments. Nature Communications, 14(1):5427.
Jitsuno, K., Hoshino, T., Nishikawa, Y., Kogawa, M., Mineta, K., Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Everest, J., Maeda, L., Inagaki, F., and Takeyama, H., 2024. Comparative single-cell genomics of Atribacterota JS1 in the Japan Trench hadal sedimentary biosphere. mSphere, 0(0):e00337-00323.
Silver, M.M.W., 2023. Submarine landslide processes, mechanics, and effects investigated through physical experiments, numerical models, and natural samples [PhD dissertation]. Colorado School of Mines, Boulder, CO.
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Pizer, C., Itaki, T., Satoguchi, Y., Kioka, A., McHugh, C., Proust, J.-N., Sawyer, D., and the IODP 386 Expedition Management Team, 2024. Japan Trench event stratigraphy: first results from IODP giant piston coring in a deep-sea trench to advance subduction zone paleoseismology. Marine Geology, 477:107387.
Sullivan, C.R., 2022. Reconstructing paleo-sulfate methane transition zones in the Japan Trench [MS thesis]. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.
Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)/American Geophysical Union (AGU) Joint Meeting 2020
Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Cotterill, C.J., and Maeda, L., 2020. The upcoming IODP Japan Trench paleoseismology expedition: new perspectives from tracking past earthquakes in the sedimentary record. Presented at the Japan Geoscience Union/American Geophysical Union Joint Meeting 2020, Chiba, Japan, 24–28 May 2020.
*The Expedition-related bibliography is continually updated online. Please send updates to