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Appendix A

Water sampling at seafloor

On 24 November 2004, a water sample was taken at the seafloor in Hole U1309A. Water samples from the overflow container were sampled in Nalgene 125 mL bottles previously prewashed in 10% trace metal grade HNO3. The sampling procedure was as follows:

  1. The bottle was prerinsed with sampled water,
  2. The bottle was filled to the top and sealed, and
  3. The sample was refrigerated.

The water samples were curated as “Sample 304 Site U1309—Nov 24, 04 sample from seafloor.” They were numbered from 1 to 6 (in order of sampling). In bottle 1, 2.5 mL of saturated HgCl2 + deionized H2O was added. A blank of the added saturated HgCl2 + deionized H2O was preserved. In bottle 2, 2.5 mL of concentrated trace metal grade HNO3 was added. A blank of the added concentrated HNO3 was preserved. Nothing was added to bottles 3–5. Bottle 6 was filled to the top. This water was used for onboard analyses. Results of onboard analyses for alkalinity, salinity, and pH were measured on the overflow water sample (bottle 6) and on a 3.5 mL batch of water from the coil. The leftovers of bottle 6 were thrown away after the analyses. The water sample from the coil, to which 0.09 mL of HCl was added during onboard analyses, was sealed and refrigerated (as “Coil acidified in 0.09 mL of HCl—304 U1309 Nov 24, 04”). A blank of the HCl was preserved. Results are given in Table AT1.