- Chapter contents
Background and objectives
Physical properties
Geochemistry and microbiology
Heat flow
Downhole logging
- Stratigraphic correlation
- References
- F1. Seismic dip profile.
- F2. Drilled and proposed sites.
- F3. Lithologic summary, Hole U1352B.
- F4. Lithologic summary, Hole U1352C.
- F5. Core recovery and lithology, Hole U1352B.
- F6. Mud lithofacies, Subunit IA.
- F7. Green calcareous sandy beds, Unit I.
- F8. Deformation, Subunit IA.
- F9. Interbedded lithofacies, Subunit IA.
- F10. Mineral and textural percentage estimates.
- F11. XRD peak intensities for common minerals.
- F12. Changes in lithology and diagenesis.
- F13. Total clay minerals normalized by calcite.
- F14. Core recovery and lithology, Hole U1352C.
- F15. Sandy marlstones, Unit II.
- F16. Soft-sediment deformation, Subunit IIB.
- F17. Characteristic features of Subunit IIC.
- F18. Unit II/III contact.
- F19. Summary of shipboard analyses, Hole U1352B.
- F20. Type A, B, and C contacts and facies.
- F21. Type A and B contact lithologies.
- F22. Possible Pliocene/Miocene boundary.
- F23. Surface/Seismic sequence boundary correlation, Hole U1352B.
- F24. Planktonic and benthic foraminifer correlation.
- F25. Planktonic foraminiferal abundance.
- F26. Sparry calcite and glauconite-infilled benthic foraminifer.
- F27. Paleodepth interpretation.
- F28. NRM, Hole U1352B.
- F29. NRM of 0–320 m, Hole U1352B.
- F30. Oriented NRM data, Hole U1352B.
- F31. NRM paleomagnetic record, Hole U1352C.
- F32. Orthogonal demagnetization plots.
- F33. IRM and backfield acquisition curves.
- F34. Raw and filtered physical property data.
- F35. Bulk density comparison, Hole U1352B.
- F36. Bulk density comparison, Hole U1352C.
- F37. L*a*b* color parameters.
- F38. Raw and filtered physical property data, Holes U1352B and 1119C.
- F39. P-wave velocity comparison, Holes U1352A and U1352B.
- F40. P-wave velocity and porosity, Hole U1352C.
- F41. Two methods of porosity calculation.
- F42. MAD bulk density, grain density, porosity, and void ratio.
- F43. MAD and downhole porosity.
- F44. Sediment strength measurements.
- F45. Gas concentrations.
- F46. Concentrations of HS and core void gas.
- F47. Core void gas composition.
- F48. Carbon variation vs. depth.
- F49. Total carbon measured by two approaches.
- F50. Sediment elemental concentrations.
- F51. SRA data.
- F52. SRA parameters.
- F53. Cross-plot of HI and OI showing kerogen types.
- F54. Interstitial water yield.
- F55. Chloride and salinity.
- F56. Sr, Sr/Ca, pH, Ca, Mg, and Mg/Ca.
- F57. Alkalinity and sulfate.
- F58. Phosphate, silica, ammonium, and silicon.
- F59. Li, K, Na, and Ba.
- F60. B, Fe, and Mn.
- F61. Geochemistry plots for top 100 m.
- F62. Stoichiometry of sulfate-reduction zone.
- F63. Distribution of microspheres.
- F64. Temperature data.
- F65. Thermal conductivity.
- F66. Thermal resistance Bullard plot.
- F67. Predicted temperature profiles.
- F68. Triple combo log vs. physical properties.
- F69. FMS-sonic log summary.
- F70. Downhole gamma ray.
- F71. Logging data comparison, Holes U1352B and U1352C.
- F72. FMS images and associated core photographs.
- F73. Comparison of synthetic seismogram and EW00-01 Line 60.
- F74. Velocity and time vs. depth.
- F75. Spliced magnetic susceptibility NGR.
- T1. Coring summary.
- T2. Lithostratigraphic summary.
- T3. Lithologic surface types.
- T4. Lithologic surfaces and interpretation.
- T5. Microfossil bioevents.
- T6. Calcareous nannofossils.
- T7. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformid summary, Hole U1352A.
- T8. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformid summary, Hole U1352B.
- T9. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformid summary, Hole U1352C.
- T10. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformid summary, Hole U1352D.
- T11. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformids, Hole U1352A.
- T12. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformids, Hole U1352B.
- T13. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformids, Hole U1352C.
- T14. Planktonic foraminifer and bolboformids, Hole U1352D.
- T15. Benthic foraminifers.
- T16. Diatoms.
- T17. Invertebrate macrofossils.
- T18. Headspace gas composition.
- T19. Headspace wet gas composition.
- T20. Core void gas composition.
- T21. C, N, and S analyses.
- T22. SRA pyrolysis of organic matter.
- T23. Interstitial water yield.
- T24. Salinity, pH, alkalinity, and ion chromatograph data.
- T25. Spectrophotometry and ICP-AES data.
- T26. Sediment sample contamination.
- T27. Temperature data.
- T28. Thermal conductivity data.
- T29. Cumulative depth adjustments.
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Site U13521
Expedition 317 Scientists2
Background and objectives
Hole U1352A
Position: 44°56.2440′S, 172°1.3615′E
Start hole: 1145 h, 30 November 2009
End hole: 1530 h, 30 November 2009
Time on hole (d): 0.16
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 354.8 (APC mudline)
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.0
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 343.8
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 397.0
Total penetration (m DSF): 42.2
Total length of cored section (m): 42.2
Total core recovered (m): 43.92
Core recovery (%): 104
Total number of cores: 5
Hole U1352B
Position: 44°56.2558′S, 172°1.3630′E
Start hole: 1530 h, 30 November 2009
End hole: 1615 h, 5 December 2009
Time on hole (d): 5.03
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 354.6
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.0
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 343.6
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 1185.5
Total penetration (m DSF): 830.9
Total length of cored section (m): 830.9
Total core recovered (m): 613.87
Core recovery (%): 74
Total number of cores: 94
Hole U1352C
Position: 44°56.2662′S, 172°1.3630′E
Start hole: 2015 h, 5 December 2009
End hole: 2200 h, 20 December 2009
Time on hole (d): 15.07
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 354.5 (tagging seafloor)
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.0
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 343.5
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 2282.0
Total penetration (m DSF): 1927.5
Total length of cored section (m): 1296.4
Total core recovered (m): 655.02
Core recovery (%): 51
Total number of cores: 146
Hole U1352D
Position: 44°56.2326′S, 172°1.3611′E
Start hole: 0615 h, 21 December 2009
End hole: 2100 h, 21 December 2009
Time on hole (d): 0.61
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 345.2 (APC mudline)
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.0
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 344.2
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, m DRF): 472.2
Total penetration (m DSF): 127.0
Total length of cored section (m): 127.0
Total core recovered (m): 130.84
Core recovery (%): 103
Total number of cores: 14
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1352 (proposed Site CB-04B) is located on the upper slope (344 m water depth) within the Canterbury Bight and is the most basinward site of the Canterbury Basin drilling transect. This location was chosen as a primary site in response to an Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP) request (December 2005) to avoid the high seismic amplitudes observed at 1.6–1.7 s two-way traveltime at Site CB-04A. Site U1352 is located downdip from Site CB-04A on dip seismic Profile EW00-01-60 (Figs. F1, F2). Because of the move from Site CB-04A, there is no crossing strike profile at Site U1352.
Site U1352 penetrates seismic sequence boundaries U6–U19 where sediments are finer grained and pelagic microfossils are more abundant than at shelf sites. This provides good age control for sequences drilled on the shelf.
An additional target, requiring deep penetration, was the Marshall Paraconformity, which has been dated at its onshore type section using strontium isotopes as representing a hiatus of ~3.4 m.y. (32.4–29 Ma) (Fulthorpe et al., 1996). The paraconformity probably records intensified current erosion or nondeposition at all water depths that accompanied the development of ocean circulation following the opening of the seaway south of Tasmania (Carter, 1985; Fulthorpe et al., 1996; Carter et al., 2004). Seismic interpretation supports a current-related origin by indicating that the paraconformity forms the base of the interval of sediment drift deposition. Indeed, immediately post–Marshall Paraconformity sedimentation involves sediment drift deposition in shallow (Ward and Lewis, 1975), intermediate (Fulthorpe and Carter, 1991; Lu et al., 2003), and deep water settings (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999a; Carter et al., 2004). Drilling during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 181 indicates that the paraconformity developed in deep (bathyal) water ~1–2 m.y. earlier than in shallow water (McGonigal and Di Stefano, 2002). Dating the paraconformity in the offshore Canterbury Basin at Site U1352 provides a further test of this hypothesis.
Because of time constraints, drilling into one of the large elongate sediment drifts of the Canterbury Basin, specifically drift D11 (Lu et al., 2003; Lu and Fulthorpe, 2004), became a secondary objective. Therefore, sites that were originally proposed for drilling into drift D11 (proposed Sites CB-05B to CB-05E) became contingency sites to be drilled only if drilling at shelf sites was not possible. Nevertheless, insights into sediment drift deposition and paleoceanography are expected from drilling at Site U1352. The largest mounded elongate drifts lie within the northeastern part of the shelf-slope sediment prism. Drift geometries become gradually less pronounced along strike toward the southwest, and mounded drifts are absent at Site U1352 (Lu and Fulthorpe, 2004). However, the generation of mounded drifts requires specific conditions that are not well understood; a slope contour current alone is insufficient, as indicated by the fact that such drifts are not forming under the present current regime. Current reworking of sediments is evident at Site U1352, and currents may have left a paleoceanographic record of glacial–interglacial cycles, as at ODP Site 1119 (Carter et al., 2004), without producing distinctive geometries.
The principal objectives at Site U1352 were
To sample slope sediments basinward of clinoform breaks of progradational seismic sequence boundaries, particularly U6–U9, U11, and U13–U19 (late Miocene to Pleistocene) to provide sequence boundary ages;
To penetrate the Marshall Paraconformity and the top of the underlying Amuri Limestone (late Eocene at total depth); and
To provide insights into the role of contour current deposition in a location where prominent sediment drift geometries are absent.
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