- Chapter contents
- Introduction
Logging while drilling
Structural geology
Physical properties
Observatory and downhole measurements
Core-log-seismic integration
- References
- F1. JFAST site map.
- F2. Mudline identification, Hole C0019B.
- F3. Log quality control logs, Hole C0019B.
- F4. Log quality control logs, Hole C0019C.
- F5. LWD log data, Hole C0019B.
- F6. Deep button resistivity and gamma ray, Hole C0019B.
- F7. Gamma ray and deep resistivity value ranges, Hole C0019B.
- F8. Real-time data, Hole C0019C.
- F9. Gamma ray and resistivity variation between log units.
- F10. Deep vs. shallow and bit vs. ring resistivity, Hole C0019B.
- F11. Gamma ray and resistivity variation, Hole C0019B.
- F12. Temperature, porosity, and density, Hole C0019B.
- F13. Repeated picks on bedding surfaces, Hole C0019B.
- F14. Bedding dips and faults/fractures, Hole C0019B.
- F15. Projections of bedding dips and fractures/faults.
- F16. Fault zone at 720 mbsf.
- F17. Bedding attitudes.
- F18. Fault zone at 820 mbsf.
- F19. Line HD33B seismic section.
- F20. RAB electrical images, Hole C0019B.
- F21. Borehole breakout azimuth variation, Hole C0019B.
- F22. Core-log-seismic integration summary diagram.
- F23. Unit 1 siliceous mud showing an ash bed.
- F24. Siliceous microfossils, mud, and vitric volcanic ash.
- F25. Two largest pieces of Unit 2.
- F26. MSCL-I images, Unit 3 mudstone.
- F27. Smear slides, Unit 3 mudstone.
- F28. Units 6 and 7 representative lithologies.
- F29. Major elements, Hole C0019E.
- F30. Whole-rock XRD patterns, Units 3 and 4.
- F31. Unit 5 brown mudstone.
- F32. Bedding and deformation structure dip.
- F33. Fault cutting mudstones in Unit 1.
- F34. Bedding, Hole C0019E.
- F35. Anastomosing dark seams, Hole C0019E.
- F36. X-ray CT bright band, Hole C0019E.
- F37. Thick zone of anastomosing shear surfaces.
- F38. Sediment-filled veins, Hole C0019E.
- F39. Core 343-C119E-17R whole round.
- F40. Uppermost ~30 cm of Core 343-C119E-17R.
- F41. Unit 5, Hole C0019E.
- F42. Units 5 and 6, Hole C0019E.
- F43. Paleomagnetic measurements, Hole C0019E.
- F44. AMS parameters, Hole C0019E.
- F45. Vector endpoint diagrams, Hole C0019E.
- F46. Paleomagnetic declinations and inclinations.
- F47. MSCL-W data, Core 343-C0019E-1R.
- F48. MSCL-W data, Cores 343-C0019E-2R through 21R.
- F49. MSCL-W data, Core 343-C0019E-17R.
- F50. MAD measurements, Hole C0019E.
- F51. UCS of discrete cylindrical samples, Hole C0019E.
- F52. P-wave velocity, Hole C0019E.
- F53. Vertical anisotropy, Hole C0019E.
- F54. Elastic wave velocity, Hole C0019E.
- F55. Electrical resistivity, Hole C0019E.
- F56. Particle size analysis, Core 343-C0019E-1R.
- F57. L*, a*, and b*, Hole C0019E.
- F58. SO42–, alkalinity, pH, PO4, NH4+, salinity, chlorinity, and Br–.
- F59. Cross-plots of selected elements.
- F60. Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ba, Fe, Si, B, Li, and Mn.
- F61. V, Zn, Sr, Rb, Mo, Cs, Pb, U, and Cu.
- F62. TC, IC, CaCO3, TOC, TN, TS, TOC/TN ratio, and TOC/TS ratio.
- F63. H2, CO, CH4, C2H6, C1/C2 ratio, and CH4/H2 ratio, Hole C0019E.
- F64. Temperatures and depths, MTL Run 1.
- F65. Temperature data, MTL Run 1.
- F66. Temperatures and depths, MTL Run 2.
- F67. Temperature data, MTL Run 2.
- F68. Temperatures and depths, MTL Run 3.
- F69. Temperature data, MTL Run 3.
- F70. Line HD33B log curves, Hole C0019B.
- F71. Log units on Line HD33B.
- F72. Core-Log-Seismic data.
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Site C00191
Expedition 343/343T Scientists2
The primary objective of drilling at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site C0019 was to measure the fault zone physical properties, recover fault zone material, and directly record temperature from the fault zone responsible for a Mw 9.0 earthquake. The shallow distribution of large slip for the Tohoku-oki earthquake provides an unprecedented opportunity to directly access a fault that has recently moved tens of meters. The 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami originated from slip on the megathrust fault surface west of the Japan Trench where the Pacific plate subducts below Honshu Island. The subduction zone is characterized by a relatively rapid convergence rate of ~8 cm/y (e.g., Apel et al., 2006), a high level of seismic activity, and a deep trench.
Site C0019 science objectives, as summarized in the IODP Expedition 343 Scientific Prospectus (Mori et al., 2012), are closely aligned with the overall goals of IODP. In the IODP Initial Science Plan, research concerning solid earth cycles and geodynamics highlights the seismogenic zone initiative, which advocates subduction zone studies that include investigating the behavior of rocks and sediments to better understand the fault zone and integration with studies of earthquake mechanics. Furthermore, Expedition 343 Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) directly addresses Challenge 12 of the IODP Science Plan for 2013–2023: “What mechanisms control the occurrence of destructive earthquakes, landslides, and tsunami?” As outlined in the report from the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)/Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) international workshop on rapid response drilling (Brodsky et al., 2009), fundamental questions regarding stress, fault-related fluid flow, and the structural and mechanical characteristics of the earthquake rupture zone can be addressed uniquely through rapid response drilling at Site C0019:
What was the stress state on the fault that controlled rupture during the earthquake and was the stress completely released?
What is the temperature anomaly remaining from the frictional heat produced at the time of the earthquake (which can be used to infer the level of dynamic friction)?
How can we identify the fault zone in the core samples?
What will detailed analyses of textures and small-scale structures in the fault zone core samples imply about the role of fluids and pressurization during rupture?
Secondary science objectives include carrying out other geological, geochemical, and microbiological observations in accordance with the IODP measurements guidelines (www.iodp.org/program-policies/). As a specific example, there is some evidence that great amounts of hydrogen may be released at the time of large faulting (e.g., Kita et al., 1982). The massive amounts of hydrogen may greatly stimulate microbiological activity; thus, samples of the fault may contain records of biogeochemical and microbiological processes.
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