- Chapter contents
- Background and objectives
Structural geology
Physical properties
Inorganic geochemistry
Organic geochemistry
- Microbiology
Downhole measurements
Logging and core-log-seismic integration
- References
- F1. Line 95 showing Sites C0011 and C0012.
- F2. Summary lithology.
- F3. Deposits from upper part of lithologic Unit II.
- F4. Thickness of turbidites.
- F5. Deposits from lower part of lithologic Unit II.
- F6. Deformation styles within 10.29 m thick chaotic deposit.
- F7. Total volcaniclastic components versus depth, lithologic Unit II.
- F8. Photomicrographs from smear slides and thin section.
- F9. Deposit from lithologic Unit III.
- F10. Smear slide data versus depth.
- F11. Deposit from lithologic Unit IV.
- F12. Deposits from lithologic Unit V.
- F13. Lithology and bulk powder XRD analyses of silty claystone samples.
- F14. Zeolite diffractograms from XRD analyses.
- F15. Major element content from XRF analysis.
- F16. Depositional processes that could explain tuffaceous sandstones, upper part of lithologic Unit II.
- F17. Ratio of turbidites in each core.
- F18. Calculated location of Site C0011, from ~12 Ma to present day.
- F19. Volcanic activity in Honshu forearc and backarc.
- F20. Dip angle variation of bedding and fault planes.
- F21. Stereo plots of bedding planes and faults, Hole C0011B.
- F22. Stereographs of dip and plots of distributions of dip angle and azimuth.
- F23. Typical lithologies on MSCL-I and X-ray CT.
- F24. Sandstone, claystone, and siltstone.
- F25. Layer-parallel fault, interval 322-C0011B-12R-3, 1–23 cm.
- F26. Composite fault system, interval 322-C0011B-12R-3, 77–93 cm.
- F27. High-angle faults.
- F28. Bioturbated dark deformation bands.
- F29. Fault-filling calcite vein.
- F30. Convex-shaped drilling-induced conjugate faults.
- F31. X-ray CT images, jigsaw puzzle.
- F32. Well-sorted cuttings fill core liner.
- F33. Cuttings from Section 322-C0011B-48R-5 with grading structure.
- F34. Chronostratigraphic correlation, Hole C0011B.
- F35. Age-depth plot.
- F36. Paleomagnetic measurements on discrete samples plotted versus depth, Hole C0011B.
- F37. Vector endpoint diagrams, stepwise AF demagnetization or thermal demagnetization.
- F38. Directions of DIRM, Unit II in Hole C0011B.
- F39. Demagnetization behavior.
- F40. Vector endpoint diagrams showing persistent DIRM.
- F41. Short reversed polarity interval, base of lithologic Unit V.
- F42. Age models, Hole C0011B.
- F43. Composite IRM acquisition and thermal demagnetization experiments.
- F44. AMS principal axes projected onto lower hemisphere of equal area plot.
- F45. Volume magnetic susceptibility versus depth.
- F46. GRA density, magnetic susceptibility, noncontact electrical resistivity, and natural gamma radiation.
- F47. Depth-shifted LWD data, Hole C0011A.
- F48. Bulk and grain density and porosity determined by MAD measurements.
- F49. P-wave velocity and anisotropy on discrete cube samples, Hole C0011B.
- F50. P-wave velocity versus porosity for discrete samples, Hole C0011B.
- F51. Electrical resistivity and vertical-plane anisotropy for discrete cube samples, Hole C0011B.
- F52. Porosity versus thermal conductivity of mud samples, Hole C0011B.
- F53. Porosity, P-wave velocity, and anisotropy of P-wave velocity, ODP Site 1177 and Site C0011.
- F54. Commonly observed drilling-induced core disturbance.
- F55. Interstitial water recovered as a function of depth, Hole C0011B.
- F56. CT scans showing disturbance in core.
- F57. Depth profile of interstitial water constituents, Hole C0011B.
- F58. Depth profile of more interstitial water constituents, Hole C0011B.
- F59. Site C0011 data compared with ODP Site 1177.
- F60. Depth distribution of saturation indexes.
- F61. Methane, ethane, propane, butane, and C1/C2 ratios versus depth, Hole C0011B.
- F62. C1/C2 ratios versus temperature, Hole C0011B.
- F63. Depth profiles of H2 determined by extraction method.
- F64. H2 concentrations in sediment samples, Hole C0011B.
- F65. Depth profiles of inorganic carbon, TOC, TN, and total sulfur, Hole C0011B.
- F66. Depth profile of TOC/TN ratio, Hole C0011B.
- F67. Depth profiles of type and maturity of organic matter by Rock-Eval pyrolysis, Hole C0011B.
- F68. Measurements during SET-P tool Deployment 1, Hole C0011B.
- F69. LWD/MWD data, Hole C0011A.
- F70. Missing data and discontinuities in deep-button resistivity images.
- F71. Statistical variations of gamma ray and resistivity values in logging units.
- F72. LWD data, interval of logging Unit 2.
- F73. LWD data from interval of logging Unit 3.
- F74. LWD data from logging Unit 4.
- F75. Selection of resistivity images, Hole C0011A.
- F76. Azimuths of borehole breakouts, Hole C0011A.
- F77. Bathymetric plot of the Nankai transect.
- F78. 3-D PSDM seismic reflection profile, In-line 93.
- F79. 3-D PSDM seismic reflection profile, Cross-line 816.
- F80. Synthetic seismogram, Hole C0011B.
- F81. Logging units and seismic units superimposed on In-line 93, Hole C0011A.
- T1. Coring summary.
- T2. BHA assembly, Hole C0011A.
- T3. Lithologic units.
- T4. Bulk powder XRD results, Hole C0011B.
- T5. XRF results, Hole C0011B.
- T6. Site C0011 stratigraphic relations correlated with ODP sites and Site C0012.
- T7. Paleomagnetic directions used for coherent block reorientation.
- T8. Calcareous nannofossil distribution, Hole C0011B.
- T9. Planktonic foraminifer distribution, Hole C0011B.
- T10. Calcareous nannofossil events and absolute age, Hole C0011B.
- T11. Paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic datums.
- T12. Mudstone MAD data, Hole C0011B.
- T13. Sandstone MAD data, Hole C0011B.
- T14. P-wave velocity, Hole C0011B.
- T15. Electrical resistivity, Hole C0011B.
- T16. Thermal conductivity, Hole C0011B.
- T17. Raw interstitial water geochemistry data, Hole C0011B.
- T18. Corrected interstitial water geochemistry data, Hole C0011B.
- T19. Hydrocarbon gas composition in headspace samples, Hole C0011B.
- T20. Extraction method H2 concentration in sediment samples, Hole C0011B.
- T21. H2 concentration in free drilling fluids, Hole C0011B.
- T22. Incubation method H2 concentration in sediment samples, Hole C0011B.
- T23. TC, inorganic carbon, TOC, TN, and total sulfur contents, Hole C0011B.
- T24. Characterization of type and maturity of organic matter, Hole C0011B.
- T25. Depth and type distribution of sediment and interstitial water samples, Hole C0011B.
- T26. SET-P tool Deployment 1, Hole C0011B.
- T27. Logging unit depth ranges.
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Site C00111
Expedition 322 Scientists2
Background and objectives
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site C0011 (proposed Site NT1-07) was the primary site for IODP Expedition 322 (Saito et al., 2009). The site is located in the Shikoku Basin on the northwest flank of a prominent basement high (Kashinosaki Knoll) that was constructed on the subducting Philippine Sea plate (Fig. F1). The primary purpose of drilling at this location was to recover a complete section of sedimentary strata and uppermost igneous basement, thereby characterizing the subduction inputs to the Nankai Trough. Analysis of seismic reflection data just prior to drilling indicated a depth to basement of ~1050 meters below seafloor (mbsf). This estimate of total sediment thickness is considerably less than the value used in the Scientific Prospectus (1200 m thick). The adjustment was made after making refinements to the acoustic velocity model following successful acquisition of logging-while-drilling (LWD) data during the final days of IODP Expedition 319. The availability of LWD data was a major benefit for scientific productivity during Expedition 322 by guiding both operations and scientific interpretations. For example, the coring plan was modified to begin sampling at 340 m core depth below seafloor (CSF) rather than the original position of 400 m CSF, and plans to deploy the sediment temperature-pressure (SET-P) tool for in situ pressure measurements were adjusted to target the most favorable intervals on the logs.
By recovering a complete suite of cores and LWD logs from Site C0011, the Expedition 322 scientists expected to help answer the following questions:
How does the physical hydrogeology of the Shikoku Basin respond to variations in primary lithologic architecture and basement structure?
How do fluids in the igneous basement affect subduction processes?
How have system-wide patterns of sediment dispersal affected composition within the Shikoku Basin, particularly on the northeast side of the fossil spreading ridge (Kinan seamount chain)?
Which factor(s) inherited from the Shikoku Basin control(s) the décollement's position near the toe of the Nankai accretionary prism, as well as the location of ramps and flats and mechanical behavior throughout?
Does the plate boundary fault, near its updip limit of seismicity, shift its position from a sediment/sediment interface (stable sliding) to the sediment/basalt interface (stick-slip)? If so, what are the causes?
Answers to these questions will require data from multiple drilling sites and expeditions and will contribute to the success of the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) in many important ways. Fundamentally, the results from Expedition 322 will document initial conditions within presubduction equivalents of the seismogenic zone.
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