
Research plan proposals (samples and data sharing)

Shipboard and shore-based researchers should refer to the IODP Sample, Data, and Obligations Policy ( Every member of the scientific party is obligated to carry out scientific research for the expedition and publish it. For this purpose each scientist must submit a detailed research plan and a sample and/or data request prior to the expedition, using the Sample/Data Request form available at A sample/data request is also required for individuals not requesting samples but working on cruise data only. The sampling plan should be limited to samples needed to fulfill the expedition scientific objectives within 36 months postexpedition. All sample and data requests must be submitted 3 months prior to the expedition to ensure the coordinated preparation of an integrated sampling plan.

Based on research (sample and data) requests submitted, the Sample Allocation Committee (SAC; composed of the Co-Chief Scientists, the Staff Scientist, and the IODP-USIO Curator) will work with the scientific party to formulate a formal sampling and data-sharing plan for shipboard and postcruise activities.

The sampling strategy will be subject to modification depending upon the actual material/data recovered and collaborations that may evolve between scientists before and during the expedition. Substantial collaboration and cooperation are highly encouraged. Modifications to the sampling plan and access to samples and data during the expedition and the 1 year postexpedition moratorium period require SAC approval. All sample frequencies and sizes must be justified on a scientific basis and will depend on core recovery, the full spectrum of other requests, and the expedition objectives. Success will require collaboration, integration of complementary data sets, and consistent methods of analysis.

We anticipate having a shore-based sampling party roughly 3–5 months after the expedition for the bulk of everyone's personal research. All sampling to acquire ephemeral data types or to achieve essential sample preservation will be conducted during the expedition. Other shipboard sampling generally will be restricted to low-resolution sampling (e.g., biostratigraphic sampling and toothpick-sized samples for bulk carbonate isotopes), mainly so that we can rapidly produce age model data critical for the overall objectives of the expedition and for planning for higher resolution sampling postcruise. Small intervals (e.g., one core) of high-resolution sampling may be sampled at sea with SAC approval to provide initial material for study prior to the postcruise sampling party. Cores will be delivered to the IODP Core Repository at the Kochi Core Center in Kochi, Japan, where the main postcruise sampling effort will occur. Deferring most sampling to a shore-based sampling party means that the 1 year moratorium period will not begin until after the postcruise sampling party ends. Therefore, expedition scientists will not experience a reduced moratorium period because of deferred shore-based sampling.

Critical intervals may require special handling, a higher sampling density, reduced sample size, or continuous core sampling for a set of particular high-priority research objectives. The SAC may require an additional formal sampling plan before critical intervals are sampled.