57°33.4′N, 175°49.0′W (WGS 84)
Water depth (m)
Target drilling depth (mbsf):
Approved maximum penetration (mbsf):
Previous drilling in area:
Relocated from GAT-4B to Shotpoint 351 on Cruise KH99-3, 1999, Line Stk-1 (EPSP December 2005)
Survey coverage (track map, seismic profile); sediment cores:
R/V Hakuhou-maru Cruise KH99-3 Leg 3 (1999):
• Location and track maps (Figs. AF25, AF26, AF27)
• MCS profile: Line Stk1 (SW–NE)
• Crossing Line Stk2 (SE–NW) (Figs. AF28, AF29, AF30, AF31)
• 3.5 kHz: Line Stk1 (SW–NE) (Fig. AF32)
• Swath bathymetry: Lines Stk1 (SW–NE) and Stk2 (SE–NW) (Fig. AF33)
• Multiple cores (16 cm)
Objective (see text for complete details):
Tripe APC to refusal, XCB and RCB if needed:
• Holes A, B, C: APC with core orientation to refusal (~200 mbsf)
• Hole C: XCB to ~500 mbsf
• Hole D: APC to 25 mbsf
• Hole E: drill to ~500 mbsf, RCB to ~700 mbsf
Temperature measurements: 3 APCT-3, 2 DVTP if required
Drilling/coring program:
See BOW-12B
Downhole logging program:
Wireline logging: triple combo, FMS-sonic, possible check shot survey
Anticipated lithology:
Hemipelagic silty clay with siliceous and calcareous microfossils