- Chapter contents
- Background and objectives
Logging while drilling
Structural geology
Physical properties
Cuttings-core-log-seismic integration
- References
- F1. Location map.
- F2. In-line 2529.
- F3. In-line 2532 and Cross-line 6223.
- F4. Map of drilled holes.
- F5. Wind conditions.
- F6. MWD logs, Hole C0002F.
- F7. Logs, Holes C0002A and C0002F.
- F8. LWD data, Hole C0002F.
- F9. Deep RAB images, Hole C0002F.
- F10. Shallow resistivity and fractures, Hole C0002F.
- F11. Borehole breakout and DITF azimuths, Hole C0002F.
- F12. Borehole breakout width, Hole C0002F.
- F13. Borehole breakouts, Hole C0002F.
- F14. DITFs, Hole C0002F.
- F15. Borehole breakouts, Holes C0002A and C0002.
- F16. Resistivity, gamma ray, porosity, and density, Hole C0002F.
- F17. Relogged resistivity, Hole C0002F.
- F18. Silty claystone vs. sand/sandstone, Hole C0002F.
- F19. Dominant lithologies, Hole C0002F.
- F20. Microscopic cuttings, Hole C0002F.
- F21. Q-index (1685.5 mbsf), Hole C0002F.
- F22. Q-index, Hole C0002F.
- F23. Mineralogy, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F24. Mineralogy, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F25. Mineralogy and fossils, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F26. Mineralogy and fossils, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F27. Calcium carbonate, Hole C0002F.
- F28. XRD data, Hole C0002F 1–4 and >4 mm cuttings.
- F29. XRD data, Hole C0002F 1–4 mm cuttings.
- F30. XRF major elements, Hole C0002F 1–4 and >4 mm cuttings.
- F31. XRF major elements, Hole C0002F 1–4 mm cuttings.
- F32. Lithologic column, Core 338-C0002H-1R.
- F33. Lithologic column, Core 338-C0002H-2R.
- F34. Petrographic features, Hole C0002H.
- F35. Bioturbation, Hole C0002H.
- F36. XRD mineralogy, Hole C0002H cores.
- F37. XRF chemical compositions, Hole C0002H cores.
- F38. Lithologic column, Hole C0002J.
- F39. XRD mineralogy, Hole C0002J cores.
- F40. XRF chemical compositions, Hole C0002J cores.
- F41. Nonvolcanic fragments, Hole C0002J.
- F42. Volcanogenic grains, Hole C0002J.
- F43. Discrete burrows associated with Unit III, Hole C0002J.
- F44. Syndepositional erosional processes in Unit III, Hole C0002J.
- F45. Glauconite, Hole C0002J.
- F46. Microcrystalline carbonate lithology, Hole C0002J.
- F47. Possible unit boundary zone, Hole C0002J.
- F48. Lithologic column, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F49. XRD mineralogy, Hole C0002K and C0002L cores.
- F50. XRF chemical compositions, Hole C0002K and C0002L cores.
- F51. Sand grain types, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F52. Turbidite variations, Hole C0002K and C0002L cores.
- F53. Sand occurrence, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F54. Deformation structure distribution, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F55. Vein structures, Hole C0002F >4 mm cuttings.
- F56. Carbonate veins, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F57. Slickenlined surfaces, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F58. Deformation structure distribution vs. silty claystone, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F59. Minor faults, Hole C0002F.
- F60. Sandstone cuttings, Hole C0002F.
- F61. Silty claystone cuttings, Hole C0002F.
- F62. Drilling disturbance structures, Hole C0002F.
- F63. Silty claystone concentrations, Hole C0002F.
- F64. Structures on working halves, Hole C0002J.
- F65. Bedding dip angle variation, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- F66. Poles to bedding, Holes C0002H and C0002J.
- F67. Fault, joint, and deformation band dip angle variation.
- F68. Fault orientations, Holes C0002H and C0002J.
- F69. Normal fault zone, Hole C0002H.
- F70. Deformation bands, Hole C0002J.
- F71. Geochemical parameters and salt concentrations.
- F72. Standard squeezing vs. GRIND method.
- F73. Headspace gas data.
- F74. Methane, ethane, and propane in headspace gas.
- F75. Methane, organic matter, and Rn data.
- F76. C1/(C2 + C3) and δ13C-CH4.
- F77. Relationship between C1/(C2 + C3) and δ13C-CH4.
- F78. Hydrocarbon gas and total gas.
- F79. Ethane and propane data.
- F80. PGMS, Rn, and CO2.
- F81. Total gas and Bernard parameters.
- F82. HC and nonHC gas package boundaries.
- F83. CaCO3, TOC, TN, and C/N, Holes C0002F and C0002B.
- F84. CaCO3, TOC, TN, TS, and C/N, Holes C0002B, C0002H, C0002J–C0002L, and C0002F.
- F85. MSCL-W measurements.
- F86. MAD measurements on cores.
- F87. Thermal conductivity.
- F88. VP and electrical resistivity.
- F89. Electrical resistivity, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F90. Electrical resistivity with Archie parameters, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F91. Cementation factor versus electrical resistivity.
- F92. Electrical resistivity, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- F93. Undrained shear strength.
- F94. Color reflectance.
- F95. MAD data, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F96. Cuttings grain density, bulk density, and porosity.
- F97. Cuttings porosity.
- F98. DICAs and time off bottom.
- F99. Cuttings mass magnetic susceptibility.
- F100. Cuttings and core NGR.
- F101. MSCL-W NGR and cuttings grain density.
- F102. Cuttings bags.
- F103. Gray color distribution.
- F104. Mean gray values.
- F105. Salinity index distribution.
- F106. Dielectric constant and dispersion and electrical conductivity, Hole C0002F.
- F107. Dielectric dispersion vs. dielectric constant.
- F108. Electrical resistivity, Hole C0002F.
- F109. LOT borehole configuration.
- F110. LOT pressure and mud flow rate.
- F111. Declination and inclination.
- F112. Magnetic fabric, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F113. Progressive AF demagnetization.
- F114. AMS parameter T, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- F115. Cuttings-core-log-seismic integration.
- F116. NGR at Unit III/IV boundary.
- T1. BHA components.
- T2. LWD data, Hole C0002F.
- T3. Time off bottom, Hole C0002F.
- T4. Logging units, Hole C0002F.
- T5. Structural features, Hole C0002F.
- T6. Lithologic units, Hole C0002F.
- T7. Silty clay(stone), sand(stone), induration, grain shape, and fossil content, Hole C0002F.
- T8. Q-index, Hole C0002F.
- T9. XRD results, Hole C0002F.
- T10. XRF results, Hole C0002F.
- T11. Core recovery, Hole C0002H.
- T12. XRD results, Hole C0002H.
- T13. CaCO3, TN, TC, TS, TOC, C/N, and C/S, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T14. XRF results, Hole C0002H.
- T15. Core intervals, Hole C0002J.
- T16. XRD results, Hole C0002J.
- T17. XRF results, Hole C0002J.
- T18. XRF data, Section 338-C0002J-5R-8.
- T19. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002F.
- T20. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002J.
- T21. Radiolarians, Hole C0002F.
- T22. Pliocene sediment/Miocene rock boundary data.
- T23. Core recovery, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- T24. XRD results, Holes C0002K, and C0002L.
- T25. XRF results, Holes C0002K, and C0002L.
- T26. Sand occurrences, Holes C0002K, and C0002L.
- T27. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002K.
- T28. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002L.
- T29. IW geochemistry, Holes C0002J–C0002L.
- T30. Water content, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T31. IW geochemistry, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T32. IW geochemistry, Hole C0002F.
- T33. Core liner liquid, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T34. Hydrocarbon gas, conventional extraction.
- T35. Hydrocarbon gas, additional extraction.
- T36. Hydrocarbon gas in void gas.
- T37. Carbon and nitrogen data, Hole C0002F.
- T38. Core liner thickness errors.
- T39. MAD measurements.
- T40. Resistivity, Holes C0002H and C0002J.
- T41. P-wave velocity results.
- T42. Electrical resistivity, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- T43. UCS tests.
- T44. Gray value results.
- T45. Dielectric measurements and salinity index.
- T46. LOT key data.
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Site C00021
M. Strasser, B. Dugan, K. Kanagawa, G.F. Moore, S. Toczko, L. Maeda, Y. Kido, K.T. Moe, Y. Sanada, L. Esteban, O. Fabbri, J. Geersen, S. Hammerschmidt, H. Hayashi, K. Heirman, A. Hüpers, M.J. Jurado Rodriguez, K. Kameo, T. Kanamatsu, H. Kitajima, H. Masuda, K. Milliken, R. Mishra, I. Motoyama, K. Olcott, K. Oohashi, K.T. Pickering, S.G. Ramirez, H. Rashid, D. Sawyer, A. Schleicher, Y. Shan, R. Skarbek, I. Song, T. Takeshita, T. Toki, J. Tudge, S. Webb, D.J. Wilson, H.-Y. Wu, and A. Yamaguchi2
Background and objectives
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site C0002 (proposed Site NT3-01B; Fig. F1) is the centerpiece of the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) project (Tobin and Kinoshita, 2006). Planned scientific and technical targets for IODP Expedition 338 included collecting logging-while-drilling (LWD), cuttings, and core data in the lower Kumano forearc basin and in the inner wedge of the Nankai accretionary complex and extending riser Hole C0002F to 3600 meters below seafloor (mbsf). This would extend the hole beyond the 20 inch casing point (860 mbsf), which was cemented in place during IODP Expedition 326 in 2010 (Expedition 326 Scientists, 2011) (Fig. F2). Riser drilling with the D/V Chikyu during Expedition 338 was to sample the interior of the accretionary complex in the midslope region beneath the Kumano forearc basin with both cores and drilling cuttings and to collect an extensive suite of LWD and mud-gas data to characterize the formation. Through the installation of two casing strings (16 inch casing from 860 to 2300 mbsf and 13⅜ inch casing from 2300 to 3600 mbsf), Expedition 338 was to prepare Hole C0002F for deeper drilling expected to reach the megasplay target during the 2014 and 2015 International Ocean Discovery Program riser drilling seasons. Because of weather and current conditions that caused the suspension of riser drilling operations (see below), LWD data and cuttings were only obtained from 860 to 2005 mbsf (Figs. F2, F3), and additional riserless coring (200–500, 900–940, and 1100–1120 mbsf) (Fig. F3) was completed at Site C0002 as part of contingency operations.
The uppermost 1400 m section at Site C0002 was characterized with a comprehensive LWD program during IODP Expedition 314 (Hole C0002A) (Fig. F4) (Expedition 314 Scientists, 2009). The intervals 0–204 and 475–1057 mbsf were cored during IODP Expedition 315 (Holes C0002D and C0002B) (Expedition 315 Scientists, 2009b). The Kumano forearc basin sedimentary package extends from the seafloor to ~940 mbsf and is underlain by the deformed inner wedge of the accretionary package. The seismic reflection character of the entire zone from ~940 mbsf to the megasplay reflection at ~5200 mbsf exhibits virtually no coherent reflections that would indicate intact stratal packages, which is in contrast to the outer accretionary wedge seaward of the megasplay fault system (Fig. F2; also see Moore et al., 2009). This seismic character is thought to indicate complex deformation within the inner wedge of the Nankai accretionary prism.
The primary research objectives for the interval drilled during Expedition 338 were
Determination of the composition, age, stratigraphy, and internal style of deformation of the upper forearc basin section, the basin-to-prism transition, and the presumably Miocene accretionary complex;
Reconstruction of the accretionary complex’s thermal, diagenetic, and metamorphic histories and comparison with present pressure and temperature conditions;
Determination of horizontal stress within the deep interior of the inner wedge;
Investigation of the mechanical state and behavior of the formation; and
Characterization of the overall structural evolution of the Nankai accretionary prism and the current state of the upper plate above the seismogenic plate boundary thrust.
Cuttings and core samples were collected for geomechanical experiments to be completed at inferred in situ conditions, which will help constrain mechanical and hydrological properties of the inner wedge materials. Continuous cuttings analyses provided information on the lithologic constituents and their variation with depth in the inner accretionary wedge. Cuttings help ground-truth properties estimated by LWD. Careful consideration must be made with cuttings, however, as there is known mixing because of the reaming-while-drilling (RWD) process (see “Operations”).
Initial riser drilling plans required modification when, because of a newly found risk of riser operations during a quick change in wind direction (e.g., weather front passing) with the fast Kuroshio Current, riser operations were suspended and we were unable to extend Hole C0002F to 3600 mbsf or set any casing strings (see “Operations”). The revised operations plan included LWD with cuttings collection from 872.5 to 2005.5 mbsf (Hole C0002F) and riserless coring of the intervals 200–505 mbsf (Holes C0002K and C0002L), 900–940 mbsf (Hole C0002J), and 1100.5–1120 mbsf (Hole C0002H) (Fig. F3). Relative locations of all Site C0002 holes are shown in Figure F4. This revised plan provided LWD data and cuttings samples from the previously unsampled deeper part of the accretionary prism and core samples across the unresolved unconformity between the Kumano Basin sediment and underlying accretionary prism sediment and across the gas hydrate zone, which was not cored during Expedition 315. Thus, the revised plan enabled us not only to newly explore the inner accretionary wedge to 2005.5 mbsf but also to complement our knowledge of this site.
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