- Chapter contents
- Background and objectives
Logging while drilling
Structural geology
Physical properties
Cuttings-core-log-seismic integration
- References
- F1. Location map.
- F2. In-line 2529.
- F3. In-line 2532 and Cross-line 6223.
- F4. Map of drilled holes.
- F5. Wind conditions.
- F6. MWD logs, Hole C0002F.
- F7. Logs, Holes C0002A and C0002F.
- F8. LWD data, Hole C0002F.
- F9. Deep RAB images, Hole C0002F.
- F10. Shallow resistivity and fractures, Hole C0002F.
- F11. Borehole breakout and DITF azimuths, Hole C0002F.
- F12. Borehole breakout width, Hole C0002F.
- F13. Borehole breakouts, Hole C0002F.
- F14. DITFs, Hole C0002F.
- F15. Borehole breakouts, Holes C0002A and C0002.
- F16. Resistivity, gamma ray, porosity, and density, Hole C0002F.
- F17. Relogged resistivity, Hole C0002F.
- F18. Silty claystone vs. sand/sandstone, Hole C0002F.
- F19. Dominant lithologies, Hole C0002F.
- F20. Microscopic cuttings, Hole C0002F.
- F21. Q-index (1685.5 mbsf), Hole C0002F.
- F22. Q-index, Hole C0002F.
- F23. Mineralogy, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F24. Mineralogy, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F25. Mineralogy and fossils, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F26. Mineralogy and fossils, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F27. Calcium carbonate, Hole C0002F.
- F28. XRD data, Hole C0002F 1–4 and >4 mm cuttings.
- F29. XRD data, Hole C0002F 1–4 mm cuttings.
- F30. XRF major elements, Hole C0002F 1–4 and >4 mm cuttings.
- F31. XRF major elements, Hole C0002F 1–4 mm cuttings.
- F32. Lithologic column, Core 338-C0002H-1R.
- F33. Lithologic column, Core 338-C0002H-2R.
- F34. Petrographic features, Hole C0002H.
- F35. Bioturbation, Hole C0002H.
- F36. XRD mineralogy, Hole C0002H cores.
- F37. XRF chemical compositions, Hole C0002H cores.
- F38. Lithologic column, Hole C0002J.
- F39. XRD mineralogy, Hole C0002J cores.
- F40. XRF chemical compositions, Hole C0002J cores.
- F41. Nonvolcanic fragments, Hole C0002J.
- F42. Volcanogenic grains, Hole C0002J.
- F43. Discrete burrows associated with Unit III, Hole C0002J.
- F44. Syndepositional erosional processes in Unit III, Hole C0002J.
- F45. Glauconite, Hole C0002J.
- F46. Microcrystalline carbonate lithology, Hole C0002J.
- F47. Possible unit boundary zone, Hole C0002J.
- F48. Lithologic column, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F49. XRD mineralogy, Hole C0002K and C0002L cores.
- F50. XRF chemical compositions, Hole C0002K and C0002L cores.
- F51. Sand grain types, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F52. Turbidite variations, Hole C0002K and C0002L cores.
- F53. Sand occurrence, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F54. Deformation structure distribution, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F55. Vein structures, Hole C0002F >4 mm cuttings.
- F56. Carbonate veins, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F57. Slickenlined surfaces, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F58. Deformation structure distribution vs. silty claystone, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F59. Minor faults, Hole C0002F.
- F60. Sandstone cuttings, Hole C0002F.
- F61. Silty claystone cuttings, Hole C0002F.
- F62. Drilling disturbance structures, Hole C0002F.
- F63. Silty claystone concentrations, Hole C0002F.
- F64. Structures on working halves, Hole C0002J.
- F65. Bedding dip angle variation, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- F66. Poles to bedding, Holes C0002H and C0002J.
- F67. Fault, joint, and deformation band dip angle variation.
- F68. Fault orientations, Holes C0002H and C0002J.
- F69. Normal fault zone, Hole C0002H.
- F70. Deformation bands, Hole C0002J.
- F71. Geochemical parameters and salt concentrations.
- F72. Standard squeezing vs. GRIND method.
- F73. Headspace gas data.
- F74. Methane, ethane, and propane in headspace gas.
- F75. Methane, organic matter, and Rn data.
- F76. C1/(C2 + C3) and δ13C-CH4.
- F77. Relationship between C1/(C2 + C3) and δ13C-CH4.
- F78. Hydrocarbon gas and total gas.
- F79. Ethane and propane data.
- F80. PGMS, Rn, and CO2.
- F81. Total gas and Bernard parameters.
- F82. HC and nonHC gas package boundaries.
- F83. CaCO3, TOC, TN, and C/N, Holes C0002F and C0002B.
- F84. CaCO3, TOC, TN, TS, and C/N, Holes C0002B, C0002H, C0002J–C0002L, and C0002F.
- F85. MSCL-W measurements.
- F86. MAD measurements on cores.
- F87. Thermal conductivity.
- F88. VP and electrical resistivity.
- F89. Electrical resistivity, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F90. Electrical resistivity with Archie parameters, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F91. Cementation factor versus electrical resistivity.
- F92. Electrical resistivity, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- F93. Undrained shear strength.
- F94. Color reflectance.
- F95. MAD data, Hole C0002F cuttings.
- F96. Cuttings grain density, bulk density, and porosity.
- F97. Cuttings porosity.
- F98. DICAs and time off bottom.
- F99. Cuttings mass magnetic susceptibility.
- F100. Cuttings and core NGR.
- F101. MSCL-W NGR and cuttings grain density.
- F102. Cuttings bags.
- F103. Gray color distribution.
- F104. Mean gray values.
- F105. Salinity index distribution.
- F106. Dielectric constant and dispersion and electrical conductivity, Hole C0002F.
- F107. Dielectric dispersion vs. dielectric constant.
- F108. Electrical resistivity, Hole C0002F.
- F109. LOT borehole configuration.
- F110. LOT pressure and mud flow rate.
- F111. Declination and inclination.
- F112. Magnetic fabric, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- F113. Progressive AF demagnetization.
- F114. AMS parameter T, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- F115. Cuttings-core-log-seismic integration.
- F116. NGR at Unit III/IV boundary.
- T1. BHA components.
- T2. LWD data, Hole C0002F.
- T3. Time off bottom, Hole C0002F.
- T4. Logging units, Hole C0002F.
- T5. Structural features, Hole C0002F.
- T6. Lithologic units, Hole C0002F.
- T7. Silty clay(stone), sand(stone), induration, grain shape, and fossil content, Hole C0002F.
- T8. Q-index, Hole C0002F.
- T9. XRD results, Hole C0002F.
- T10. XRF results, Hole C0002F.
- T11. Core recovery, Hole C0002H.
- T12. XRD results, Hole C0002H.
- T13. CaCO3, TN, TC, TS, TOC, C/N, and C/S, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T14. XRF results, Hole C0002H.
- T15. Core intervals, Hole C0002J.
- T16. XRD results, Hole C0002J.
- T17. XRF results, Hole C0002J.
- T18. XRF data, Section 338-C0002J-5R-8.
- T19. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002F.
- T20. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002J.
- T21. Radiolarians, Hole C0002F.
- T22. Pliocene sediment/Miocene rock boundary data.
- T23. Core recovery, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- T24. XRD results, Holes C0002K, and C0002L.
- T25. XRF results, Holes C0002K, and C0002L.
- T26. Sand occurrences, Holes C0002K, and C0002L.
- T27. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002K.
- T28. Calcareous nannofossils, Hole C0002L.
- T29. IW geochemistry, Holes C0002J–C0002L.
- T30. Water content, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T31. IW geochemistry, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T32. IW geochemistry, Hole C0002F.
- T33. Core liner liquid, Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L.
- T34. Hydrocarbon gas, conventional extraction.
- T35. Hydrocarbon gas, additional extraction.
- T36. Hydrocarbon gas in void gas.
- T37. Carbon and nitrogen data, Hole C0002F.
- T38. Core liner thickness errors.
- T39. MAD measurements.
- T40. Resistivity, Holes C0002H and C0002J.
- T41. P-wave velocity results.
- T42. Electrical resistivity, Holes C0002K and C0002L.
- T43. UCS tests.
- T44. Gray value results.
- T45. Dielectric measurements and salinity index.
- T46. LOT key data.
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Holes C0002K and C0002L
Remanent magnetization of archive-half sections from Holes C0002H and C0002J–C0002L were measured at demagnetization levels of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mT peak fields to identify characteristic remanent magnetization. Profiles of declination, inclination, and intensity after demagnetization at 20 mT with depth (mbsf) are shown in Figure F111.
Inclinations of archive sections in the interval of Holes C0002K and C0002L (200–500 mbsf), which were mostly cored using the ESCS (only the top 5.5 m and the interval from 205.5 to 239 mbsf of Hole C0002K were cored using the HPCS and EPCS, respectively), are significantly biased toward the positive side. However, because the results of Holes C0002B and C0002D during Expedition 315 (Expedition 315 Scientists, 2009a, 2009b) revealed that the interval of 160–490 mbsf at Site C0002 ranges from 1.078 to 1.24 Ma, all the interval of Holes C0002K and C0002L should correspond to the middle part of the Matuyama reversed polarity interval, and the inclinations are expected to be in the negative side. Thus, we suspected that the predominant positive magnetization of the archive sections is due to a modification of the initial paleomagnetic record.
In order to examine the magnetic nature of the interval, discrete samples were carefully collected from consolidated biscuit pieces, not from the softer sediment, which is probably a mixture of sediment and drilling slurry. Magnetic grain fabric of the interval was measured by the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) apparatus to detect any indication of coring disturbance. AMS results show clear magnetic foliations parallel to the horizontal plane (Fig. F112). It is interpreted that grain fabrics were formed by a natural vertical compaction and have no evidence for coring disturbance. The discrete samples were demagnetized with a higher level than those on the archive-half sections. Demagnetization experiments on the discrete samples reveal that magnetizations of samples are stable (Fig. F113), and a substantial number of discrete samples show negative inclination (Fig. F111). This fact indicates that the original magnetization remains in biscuit pieces and suggests that a significant amount of softer sediment was magnetized strongly with positive inclination during coring. Although this situation makes it difficult to interpret magnetic data of archive sections, magnetic polarity interpretation based on data from discrete samples is still valid. According to the results of Expedition 315, the interval of Holes C0002K and C0002L should correspond to the middle part of the Matuyama Reversed Chron. The normal polarity interval observed between 240.72 and 299.37 mbsf seems to be assigned to the “Cobb Mountain” Subchron (1.173–1.185 Ma). However, the nannofossil event of 1.04 Ma is found in the interval at ~250 mbsf in Hole C0002K (see “Biostratigraphy”). It is, therefore, more reasonable that this normal polarity interval is correlated to the Jaramillo Subchron, although the horizon at 119.58 mbsf in Hole C0002D is interpreted to be the top of the Jaramillo Subchron (Expedition 315 Scientists, 2009b).
Magnetic fabric of Hole C0002J
Paleomagnetic inclinations of Hole C0002J are mostly positive but widely scattered. AMS, an index of sediment grain fabric, shows that sediment in Holes C0002K and C0002L are compacted subvertically (Fig. F112). On the other hand, AMS of Hole C0002J appears more prolate (Fig. F114A), suggesting that grain fabrics in this interval did not form by vertical compaction alone. Restored AMS directions of the interval with paleomagnetic declinations reveal that magnetic foliations gently dip southeastward (Fig. F114B). Preliminary interpretation of those data indicates bedding planes in this interval gently dip southeastward.
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